A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man.

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A Portrait of the Artist

As a Young Man

The story, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, was a portrait that explored the progression through life that Stephan Dedaelus and James Joyce both took. This book was written as a third person autobiography, and it explored Joyce’s life. He used different names, but he kept most of the main details the same. His search for the role that artist played in his life was an ongoing struggle for Stephan throughout the novel. His alienation from family, friends and society was a problem that Stephan had because of his views on life and art. He struggled greatly with his dilemma between religion and art for most of his life, because society and family wanted him to take up religion, while he wanted to express himself freely in the world that he was in and therefore he chose art. His desire for this independence from other people’s standards plagued him for most of the novel and he needed to go through all of these experiences in order to find himself these were all a part of his journey that he needed to take to discover himself, and develop his own individual consciousness. Therefore, Stephan Dedaelus’ pursuit for his own self-discovery was compromised by many struggles with his role as the artist, his alienation from society, his conflict between religion and art, and his desire for personal independence and freedom as an individual

Stephan’s search for the role that the artist plays in his life is an ongoing struggle throughout the novel that eventually leads to his own self-discovery. It starts with his childhood, and continues throughout his life. Since Stephan was a little boy, before he could talk, he was interested in sounds and the power of the spoken word. He had a great interest for words and it showed. Especially in the first chapter when Dante was telling him that birds would pick out his eyes if he did not apologise, and Stephan took this and changed it into a little rhythmical song or stanza. Stephan emphasized the importance of art, especially in the literary sense, in his childhood because he took many negative aspects of his life, and he turned them into a poetic ensemble and subsequently transformed them to happier thoughts. At school, the dean questioned his desires to become an artist, and he posed this question that really helped Stephan in his search.

You are an artist, are you not, Mr. Dedaelus? Said the dean, glancing up and blinking his pale eyes. The object of the artist is the creation of the beautiful. What is beautiful is another question. (Page 185)

The dean posed this question, and Stephan thought about it afterwards and he realised that this was the key to finding the role that the artist played in his life. There were also the three important attitudes that Stephan had about art. "To discover the mode of life or of art whereby your spirit could express itself in unfettered freedom." (Page 213) These three attitudes were: Art as a vocation or a calling, where he felt that his calling to art was so strong that he could not shun it, and even if he had to go through loneliness, poverty, or exile, he would still have to follow his calling as an artist. Art as flight was the second attitude where he saw imagination as a refuge away from reality, and poetry became his way of expressing the bad things in his life and transforming them into beautiful words. Art as a religion was the third attitude, where he saw himself as a priest of imagination rather than the traditional and accepted priest of the Catholic Church. All of these things contributed to Stephan’s search for the role of the artist in his life. The role that the artist played in the life of Stephan Dedaelus caused many struggles for him, and all the hardships that he experienced led to his self-discovery.

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Stephan’s alienation from society came as a direct result of his pursuit of self-discovery and independence. He had many different factors in his life that led to his alienation, not only from society, but also from his family, and friends. Stephan made many choices in his life that added to his already growing alienation from society. However, it was not only society that began to shun him, but also his family and friends. When Stephan considered art as a vocation, family, friends, and the community all tried to talk him out of it. However, he did not listen to ...

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