Durers painting Melancholia I is seen by many historians as being a depiction of the intellectual situation of the artist and is thus, by extension, a spiritual self-portrait of Durer

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Student Number: 40046848 – Angela Vaupel – Concepts of Europe

Albrecht Durer – Melancholia I

Durer’s painting Melancholia I is seen by many historians as being a “depiction of the intellectual situation of the artist and is thus, by extension, a spiritual self-portrait of Durer”  . It is a “pristine copperplate engraving” and a “late 18th Century impression on watermark laid paper”  by Albrecht Durer who lived during the Renaissance period and as such this art work was highly influenced by the renaissance style of art at that time. The main reason why I feel it was painted is stated within the picture. The shape/ boulder in the centre –left of the picture, seen by Panofsky as a “truncated rhomboid”   has displayed on it a face. Once looked at for several minutes, you can pick out both a man (with his head to the right) and a woman (with her head in the air). The 2 hidden faces resemble Durer’s last portraits of his parents and the exact poses they held.

        From what I see and what I have researched, the painting is full of content and significance. The first thing that strikes my attention is the facial expressions on the different characters. The child and the dog both have their eyes closed and are pointing downwards. This gives the viewer a sense of negativity or that maybe they are emotionally hurt or that their surroundings are ruthless. The angel also shows a depressed and emotionally hurt mood. She unlike the other two characters is not looking down, but instead she is looking away from the main activities within the place she is sat. Her compasses are held in a way that they are of no use and the book that is sat on her lap is closed. All this presents the viewer with the idea that this place is not pleasant and that the characters within it are sad as if they possibly want out of the situation they are in.  

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Apart from the characters, the title of the painting is shown in the background. This is significant as this is the “only painting by Durer that has engraved in it the title” . Melencholiah I is the title, it is spelt today as Melancholia I. Melancholia is a “mental disorder characterised by depression, apathy and withdrawal”. It can present a person with a “loss of interest in life activities, early morning awakening with intensification and an inappropriate sense of guilt” – . Melancholia is represented in the engraving with the expression on the face of the angel. She has her hand ...

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