Abstract Expressionism

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Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism was a term first heard of in the 20th century, and was originally was used by artists as early as 1919, but is more often associated with the 1950s and 1960s. It’s most basic definition is a piece of abstract artwork, which is non-geometric.

Abstract expressionism is generally regarded not as a specific style, but as an attitude taken towards art, and is more to do with the techniques used in the painting. What mattered were the qualities of the paint itself and the act of painting. Abstract expressionism is also usually considered to be mainly by American artists such as Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, and Robert Rauschenburg. Other than these, the most famous British abstract expressionists are Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Alan Jones, and Peter Blake.

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It emerged in New York after the 2nd world war as a radical departure from earlier impressionistic work by the likes of Claud Monét etc., who most famously “painted as a bird sings”. This  had been the sole style of artwork for hundreds of years. This earlier artwork had been about the image created by the painter, shown in the way impressionist paintings show no relation to life when close up, but are impeccably realistic at a distance. This new way was not only to do with the final image that the viewer would see, but about the way in ...

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