Along with the new premises came new equipment and dedicated Telephone and fax numbers. This was essential since the business was becoming more and more popular.
Elizabeth worked extremely hard to manage all aspects of the company, and continued to develop new ideas for the business. She began to provide fancy dress parties, theme parties and even murder mystery parties. These new ideas certainly bring more customers to her and increase her business’ size.
With the increase in business size, she had to employ more staff. Her old part-time staffs were appointed to full time and four more additional staff was employed.
Elizabeth had the idea of extending her range of services to the organisation of professional events for other companies, such as conferences, meetings, parties, marketing events, promotions and possibly concerts. After some suitable advice Elizabeth went ahead with this plan, as it would mean much more business for her.
In September 2008 the new branch of perfect parties was opened under the name of ‘Exceptional Events’. New offices were located right in the centre of town and this was a great spot to get more recognition.
In then new offices, Elizabeth bought some essentials such as new computers and a printer. However she still did not know how to use them to their full potential and this could be problematic as computers are very useful when used properly.
She also moved over a member of staff and made them manager of ‘Exceptional Events’ and promoted another member of staff to manager at ‘Perfect Parties’ as well as hiring three new members of staff as this was essential with the new offices.
The first job they took on at ‘Exceptional events’ went a complete success however some problems were barely avoided, such as a double booking of a hotel due to not communicating well with the other member of staff.
Elizabeth felt that the communication between the two branches wasn’t good enough and thought she had missed a chance of using on-line services to simplify things a lot more. She felt that the computer system needed a radical rethink.
Elizabeth had other plans as well. And had researched the idea of extending the business to include Wedding planning services and decided it would be called ‘Wonderful Weddings’
Elizabeth renamed the overall company as ‘Evans Enterprises’ but decided to retain the now familiar branch names of ‘Perfect Parties’, ‘Exceptional Events’ and the soon to be ‘Wonderful Weddings’
1.2 Company Management
Elizabeth is the sole trader of Evan’s Enterprise as she owns and controls the whole business by herself. She has a husband called Stephan who helps her in some areas however he does not own or control any of the business. Therefore Elizabeth actually has got some advantages of a Partnership while still keeping all the positives of being a Sole trader.
The management style of Evan’s enterprises is clearly Flexible as most employees don’t have to report to any higher level of staff before making any decisions, and therefore things can move much faster.
It is easy enough to see that the layers of management in Evan’s Enterprises is in a Hierarchical structure because there are higher ranks of staff and some staff that are responsible for others. This means that the management structure is not Flat.
1.3 Resources
Evan’s Enterprises has got many resources, from their computers & Laptops, to their costumes for parties.
The computers and laptops may not be utilised to their full potential as Elizabeth has not setup any type of online booking service for example, and this would be a great addition to their services. Elizabeth as an example does not know how to use programs such as Excel to their full potential either and this can make things more difficult.
Elizabeth also supplies her own costumes for ‘Perfect Parties’ and this requires no planning for costumes to be rented etc. It will be more cost effective and can be simply washed and used for the next event.
1.5 The future of ‘Evans Enterprises’
Elizabeth has made great progress with her business and is moving on with more and more over the years. But I feel that she should start to focus more on improving her current branches, ‘Perfect Parties’ and ‘Exceptional Events’ and possibly ‘Wonderful Weddings’
She is going to start up ‘Wonderful Weddings’ in the near future and once this is set-up she should really focus on making organising events for the other business’ easier. Such as online services which she knows she is not taking the full advantage of. More time should be spent into things like this instead of moving on to something new first. This would ensure there are less problems and complications when there are too many businesses running at the one time.
Once all businesses are running 100% smoothly and very few complications I feel Elizabeth should definitely keep expanding her company. She’s had great success so far and her popularity will grow along with her money making potential.