Modelling data is concerned with representing real life situations.

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Modelling is concerned with representing real life situations. Variables can be changed with a model to find out different outcomes.

Modelling has a number of advantages: -

  • It is cheaper to set up a computer model than build the physical model.
  • The computer model can be changed modified quickly and easily to allow the user to view the effects of changing variables.
  • You can reset your test as often as you like.
  • Dangerous situations or conditions can be modelled safely.
  • Using a computer model speeds up the overall development process.

Below are also some various disadvantages: -

  • A computer model may not completely reflect real life situations.
  • Answers and results are only as good as the model.
  • Humans are unpredictable in nature so the model may be considered unreliable.

The spreadsheet package has been adopted for this modelling situation. This is a package which models and processes numerical data. It is made up of a grid into which numbers are entered. The program contains many mathematical, statistical and financial calculations, which can be applied to the numbers. Spreadsheets can also present the numbers in the form of graphs.

Spreadsheet packages come with a library of formulae and functions as part of the program. There are formulae for financial calculations, for handling dates and times, for mathematical and statistical work and for logical expressions.

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 The spreadsheet may contain numbers, text, dates and formulas. Each cell, or a block cells may be formatted so that the contents of the cell is displayed in different ways. When a cell is selected, the contents of the cell are shown on the editing bar but the results of any calculation are displayed in the cell. The power of a spreadsheet comes from its ability to do calculations with numbers. The contents of one cell can be calculated from other cells in the sheet.



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