Stakeholders, As I am setting up a Guest house I may have some people who are interested in the business. These people are called stakeholders. Stakeholders are an essential part of my project.

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As I am setting up a Guest house I may have some people who are interested in the business. These people are called stakeholders. Stakeholders are an essential part of my project. They are the people from whom requirements will be drawn, the people who will influence the design and, ultimately, the people who will reap the benefits of my completed business.

It is very important to involve stakeholders in all areas of my project for two reasons:

  1. Experience shows that their involvement in the project significantly increases your chances of success by building in a self-correcting feedback loop.

  1. Secondly, involving them in your project builds confidence in your product and will greatly ease its acceptance in your target audience.

I am aware that if someone has a financial stake in my business then they would also want it to grow because otherwise they would have lost some of their money.

Owners of stakeholders have a finical stake in the business and like me they will have had to risk some of their own money.

Owners of stakes: means that people, who own stakes within my business, or any business, will all have a financial stake in it. The owners of these stakes all had to raise some of their own money, and like me they want to see the business succeed because if it failed as well as me losing money they would lose theirs to.

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