System Analysis

What does the current system produce?

  • Record of any new customers and their details.
  • Calculates the customer’s holidays and the holiday details.
  • Holiday booking cards.
  • Bonus scheme where the employee who sells the most holidays in one month receives a £200 bonus.

What processing is currently done and who does it?

  • The costs for adults and for children.
  • VAT
  • Offer discount. If the holiday costs over a certain price then the customer will receive a discount.
  • Calculations are done on paper with a calculator.
  • Invoices are sorted by invoice number in a filing cabinet.
  • Booking cards are sorted alphabetically in a filing cabinet.
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What information does the current system need and how it is obtained?

  • Customer details are obtained from talking face to face with the customer.
  • The prices and dates of holidays are obtained from brochures.
  • VAT chare is obtained from the government, received in a letter.

How much information is involved?

  • On average there are about 20-30 bookings a day.
  • There are around 500 different destinations to choose from.
  • There are around 500 registered customers. Most of them are regular users of the company.
  • Most of the holidays are booked in ...

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