He opens the door, steps forward to be met by three gigantic shadows.
In an instant he is pinned to the wall, raised by his neck. He sweeps the corridors with his eyes in desperation for help before receiving a vicious blow to the stomach. Now on the floor, clutching his abdomen in agony.
The largest of the shadows squats down, revealing a greasy, spot-filled face… “Did you miss us?” The scent of stale cigarettes filling the air as he spoke.
In a frantic rage he brushes him aside and bursts through the strong defense of the remaining thugs.
Sprinting down the corridor, darting between the carefree students while the gang chases in a frenzy.
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He launches through a series of seventies style doors and into the worn school yard; the gang closes in as he dashes for the gate but gets caught up in the masses attempting to escape the school.
He rests behind a car, observing the crowd when the three thugs bombard through, catching sight of him immediately.
The chase continues, his heart racing as he tears down the terraced street. He glances behind him to meet only two of his pursuers.
With no time to question where the remaining teenager was, he makes a left turn into the road, narrowly avoiding an oncoming bus.
He slows his pace and jogs through a string of alleyways and enters a nearby residential estate. The gang nowhere to be seen…
He collapses on the pavement and catches his breath, the symptoms of nausea and pain rushing back as adrenaline wears off.
He observes his uniform; a new tear on his collar from where he had been choked and a bloodstain on his already scuffed trousers.
It was nearly four, the bright orange sun setting on a crisp December evening. He prepared for the hour-long walk home and rose.
Now walking back through the endless expanse of residential streets and terraced houses, staring down at the concrete pavement. The occasional flickering of street lamps startled him as he maintained a fast pace: one, two, three, four he counted as he walked: one, two, three- CRASH.
He had unknowingly slammed into the back of the third pursuer who, due so his build, had not been able to keep up in the frantic chase.
He stopped immediately and readied himself to sprint but hesitated when he saw the chubby boys reaction.
The boy didn’t attempt to attack him- in fact he barely moved at all; instead the six foot giant stood there gormlessly. As if stunned?
The oversized youth then turned and moved on, crossing the street in a bizarre act leaving him bewildered.
Choosing to ignore the strange encounter, he carried on, taking a shortcut through a park. The vague glow from the inner city provided minimal lighting through the brief pastoral setting.
Nearly home now, still walking through boundless rows of terraced homes but nearly home.
The final stretch, his house only a hundred or so yards away. He makes one final effort to the door…
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Nothingness; absolute nothing… No tunnel, no bright lights. Just nothing…
I’m emotionless, all thoughts about school and the pursuers, and the strange encounter with the chubby thug: gone.
A strange euphoria now- the sort you feel when you complete a long project…
Home. Or at least I think it is? Four windows, a green door but a well-kept lawn? Its how it used to be when I was young.
Now I see it… My family and me- well a toddler version of me, and mum? She’s happy, smiling; doesn’t have a bottle of vodka attached to her. And now dad, with mum, sat watching me: happy too.
Shouting as loud as I can- they can’t hear me. Am I real?
-Walking over to them- admiring the handsome chap that dad was. Tapping on mum’s shoulder, she doesn’t notice.
And nothingness.
Inside, at the doorway; mum arguing with dad and toddler me on the staircase crying. I can’t hear what they are saying but I’m only feet from them. It’s as if I’m in a transparent bubble- all sound drowned out.
Dad’s had it; he’s storming upstairs and returning with a packed suitcase. I’m still on the stairs- hysterics. He kisses my head and walks toward the door- for the older version of me. I’m blocking the door, screaming at him, he can’t hear me and just passes through.
And nothingness…
914 words