Vanessa Feltz. How does the journalist use language to express her ideas about Miss World?

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How does the journalist use language to express her ideas about Miss World?

Hannah Bues DB1- Elizabeth Bowen.

This middle market tabloid article is produced to present an opinionated and polemic point of view of the renowned Miss World Competition. Vanessa Feltz produces a written mode text which expresses the thoughts and feeling in regards to the competition. It aims to capture the attention from the readership of the daily express and audiences interested in the controversy highlighted by the public in response to this type of appearance based competitions. Secondly it actively encourages the target audience to embrace the view point shared by the journalist. Feltz directly and indiscreetly shares her pejorative opinion towards ‘Miss World’ through a rich journalistic register and a socially intimate tenor which brings a degree of entertainment towards the piece of writing.  

The declarative title of the piece demonstrates efficiently what Feltz’s opinion of the Miss World competition is that she will share with the readership. The use of the noun Dinosaur as a metaphor is key in initially understanding her ideology surrounding the topic.  It suggests that the competition in question, like dinosaurs, can be seen as a significant landmark in historical importance yet holds no place in the modern developing world.  This is followed by the modal verb ‘should’ which reinstates and conveys how strongly viewed the statement is amongst the writer. It also unveils a certain degree of Vanessa’s ironic humor. The word dinosaur is used to describe the women who compete in Miss World. Feltz describes these women as ‘firm breasted beauties’ and shares a considerable association with ‘Barbie Doll’ connotations. In terms of society, these are viewed as stereotypically attractive females. The ironic comparison of women to the monstrous dinosaur which direct definition means "terrible lizard” suggests Feltz’s contradictory opinion of the women taking part in the competition. Dinosaur similarities continue as the journalist states her desires for the future of the Miss World Competition. Just like the extinct animals, Feltz uses the euphemism ‘put to sleep’ to describe her hunger for the contest to be terminated. The polysyllabic lexis is usually only used to politely explain the anticipated and inevitable death of animals so this is again another deliberate attempt by the journalist to compare the competition to animalistic nature.

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Vanessa Feltz uses features of direct address to clinch her polemic, for example in the opening stages of the article, she immediately uses the 2nd person pronoun- “you”. By using this, it solidifies the readerships assumed point of view at a very early stage in the piece (line 5) and immediately draws the reader in.  This is then accompanied and contrasted by the journalist’s use of the 1st person subjective – “I’m tempted.” This closes the gap in socially intimate tenor by provoking emotions amongst the intended audience. Feltz also attempts to bridge this space by involving personal views on why she ...

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