Case Study: The Tropical Rainforest Conflict

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Case Study: The Tropical Rainforest Conflict

Why & How Is The Rainforest Being Developed?

        The rainforest ecosystem is under threat from destruction by humans.  Many countries and businesses want to take advantage and exploit the resources of the forest.  Many organisations want to develop the rainforest as well.

The many reason for exploitations are:

Logging: Expensive wood such as mahogany is cut down by logging companies and exported across the world.

Cattle Ranching: Large areas of the forest have been cleared for raising cattle, which can then be sold for their meat.

Roads & Buildings: Land in the forest needs to be cleared to make space for industrial buildings, accommodation for the workers and for building roads to get goods in and out of the region.

Mining: Many rainforests have huge reserves of minerals such as gold, iron ore and copper.  These are used in industries throughout the world.  To get at these minerals, vast stretches of the forest must be destroyed and mines excavated.

        Mainly the rainforest is used for resources, sometimes industries might develop the rainforest but soon deforestation occurs and issues occur.

What Are The Impacts Of Rainforest Development?

        The destruction of the rainforest results in social and environmental issues within the rainforest community.  These are some of the facts of what is happening to the rainforests:

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  • Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years
  • One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second
  • Over 200,000 acres of rainforest are burned every day. That is over 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and 78 million acres are lost every year!

Here are the impacts into the environment of rainforest demolition:

Change In Biodiversity: Removal of the forest causes loss of plant species.  Animals are forced out as ...

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