Distinguish between the terms active layer and permafrost.

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Distinguish between the terms active layer and permafrost

     Permafrost is the name given to ground (soil or rock) that remains at or below 0ºC for at least 2 years. It is usually perennially frozen and it underlies about 20% of Earth's land surface. Continuous permafrost implies MAAT c. <-6oC to -8oC whereas Discontinuous permafrost implies MAAT c. -1oC to -8oC. Permafrost is characterised by several different things; frost shattering of material, growth off ground ice (upheaval displacement),  accelerated wind erosion (high wind, low vegetation cover), thermal erosion by fluvial activity, gelifluction (down-slope flow of soil saturated by meltwater from thawing ice) and solifluction (mass wasting by combination of gelifluction & freeze-thaw). Permafrost may extend 1m to less than 400m below the surface. On the surface of permafrost is a layer which is frozon in winter but thaws in summer called the active layer. There are some key features of an active layer. When melting occurs, because the frozen ground beneath is impermeable, the active layer becomes waterlogged. Flows become major processes in this mobile layer. With the onset of winter, freezing progresses from the surface downwards. Unfrozen mobile materials are therefore trapped under increasing pressure and become contorted. Melting ice and snow lead to high stream discharges in the short summer. 

Explain the role of sub-surface conditions in the formation of distinctive periglacial landforms

Ground ice    -     ice crystals and lenses (frost-heave) - sorted stone polygons (stone    

                            circles and strips: patterned ground

  • Ground contraction - ice wedges with unsorted polygons:Patterned ground      
  • freezing of groundwater - Pingos

     Frost-heave includes several processes which cause either fine-grained soils such as silts and clays to expand to form small domes, or individual stones within the soil to be moved to the surface (Figure 5.5). It results from the direct formation of ice, either as crystals or as lenses. The thermal conductivity of stones is greater than that of soil. As a result, the area under a stone becomes colder than the surrounding soil, and ice crystals form. Further expansion by the ice widens the capillaries in the soil, allowing more moisture to rise and to freeze. The crystals, or the larger ice lenses which form at a greater depth, force the stones above them to rise until eventually they reach the surface.

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During periods of thaw, meltwater material under the uplifted stones, pr them from falling back into their original  positions. In areas of repeated freezing (idealy where temperatures fall to between -4 -6°C) and thawing, frost-heave both lifts and sorts material to form pattemed ground on the surface (Figure 5.6). The larger stones, extra weight, move outwards to form, flat areas, stone circles or, more accur polygons. Where this process occurs with a gradient in excess of 2°, the sto slowly move downhill under gravity! elongated stone stripes.

     Ground contraction The refreezing of the active layer during the severe ...

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