Managing a habitable planet

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Managing a habitable planet

Brian Lockyer


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Managing the Earth is crucial in ensuring the sustainability of life on our planet. The earth is a very dynamic system that consists of a variety of different parts that function in unison in order to facilitate life, any significant deviation away from the norm could potentially pose many devastating repercussions that could threaten the sustainability of life on our planet. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we cherish and protect our invaluable asset that is the Earth in order to ensure future sustainability. This essay will focus on providing a link between Earth System science and Earth Stewardship Science and how we can successfully manage a habitable planet.

The need to manage the earth sustainably is closely linked to the idea that there is a relationship between living standards and energy usage. Higher living standards are generally associated with greater energy usage and vice versa.  Therefore it is of critical importance that we find a balance between ever growing global populations and our limited resources. Over the past two hundred years the global population has tripled as a result of industrialization and modernisation. The industrial revolution was fuelled by the exploitation of natural resources mainly in the form of oil which has been critical in facilitating the onset and technological advancement of the modern era that we inhabit today. Therefore the depletion of oil reserves throughout the world is potentially problematic to many people as gross shortages could entice economic stagnation and declination in many countries globally. The global reliance and dependency on oil has had many negative effects throughout all aspects of life, politically, socially and environmentally. The trend towards standardization and reduction in diversity are just two problems associated with the global dependence on oil. In order to manage a habitable planet, it is crucial that we do not exceed environmental carrying capacities whilst at the same time attempt to correct the imbalances associated with the global distribution of wealth and resources.

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As inhabitants of the Earth we need to start taking more responsibility for our actions and start recognizing the impacts that we are inflicting on our fragile environment. Climate change is a major issue that could potentially devastate life on earth unless drastic measures are taken to counteract and stop the damage that we are inflicting. Large scale glacial retreat and reduction over the past forty years as well as an increase in Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere (from 280ppm pre industrial revolution to 385 ppm today) are all evidence of man’s devastating impact on the environment. Average global ...

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