Tropical Rainforests.

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Tropical Rainforests

We all know that rainforests are big, beautiful places filled with a huge variety of plant and animal life, but do we know how they affect us? Or maybe more importantly, how we affect them. In this written plan I will guide you step by step through the basic knowledge of a typical rainforest, before moving onto more serious issues, such as how people affect them, and what problems they face. I will also provide suggestions as to how these problems can be solved.

Characteristics of a tropical rainforest

Rainforests are the earth’s most biologically diverse ecosystems. They are typically situated along the equator, in Asia, Africa and Latin America, where the climate remains warm and humid all year round. Rainfall can reach up to 2,400 mm annually. Despite holding up to 50% of the earth’s animal species, they only cover about 7% of the earth’s land surface. The soil consists of pure sand, with a layer of humus (plant and animal remains), and is generally very fertile.

Plant life:

Plant life in a rainforest is typically divided into four layers: the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor.

The emergent layer:

The emergent layer contains the tallest trees, who tower as much as 60 meters above the forest floor. Their trunks can measure up to 5 meters around. Most of these trees are hardwood evergreens, with broad leaves. The leaves are thick and waxy, to help retain water. Sunlight is plentiful.

The canopy:

The canopy is the primary layer of the rainforest and covers everything below it. It consists of a dense community of trees that rise to about 45 meters. They have broad leaves, to shed rainwater and discourage the growth of mosses. The leaves filter out about 80% of the light from above, and prevent it from reaching the forest below. 

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The understory:

The understory only gets about 2-5% of the sunlight available to the canopy. This limited light encourages the plant residents to devise unique ways to survive, such as the solar-collecting dark green leaves. The plants here seldom grow to above 3.5 meters in height.

The forest floor:

Less than 2% of the sunlight is available here. Aside from that, the humidity goes up to 95%. The few plants that live here have to tolerate deep shade. The ground is littered with decaying plant and animal remains.

Animal life:

It ...

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