Assess the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care with reference to theories of communication

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Unit: 1

Assignment title: Communication in Health and Social Care 1.

1.0: P2 Discuss theories of communication

2.0: M1 Assess the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care with reference to theories of communication

Theories of communication provide ways of analysing communication between people and give care practitioners an insight into what works and why as communication is such a key factor in their job role.  Effective communication involves a two-way process in which each person tries to understand the viewpoint of the other person. Good communication involves the process of checking, understanding, using reflective or active listening. We study the main theories of communication below.

1.1: Argyles Theory

Michael Argyle studied and developed theories on human communication and also interpersonal interaction. He looked at both verbal and non-verbal communication.  Argyle created a communication cycle, this is figure one,  which helps us to understand, describe and also predict how communication occurs in one to one situations.

Figure 1: The Communication Cycle

Argyle explained that communication is a skill that needs to be learnt and also practised like any other skill. He also claimed that communication is basically a two way process which involves people sending, receiving and also responding to each other’s verbal and also non verbal messages.

The communication cycle breaks up into the following stages:

  • An idea occurs, you have an idea that you want to communicate.
  • A message is coded, you think through how you are thinking and subsequently you put your thoughts into language (or into some other code).
  • The message is sent; you speak, sign, write or deliver your message in some other way.
  • The message is then received; the other person has to sense your message.
  • The message is then decoded; the other person has to understand your message, however this is not always easy since the other person can/will make assumptions about your words and body language.  
  • The message is then understood, if your ideas are understood then communication has been successful.

The person who receives the message will keep the communication by responding to or giving feedback to the normal message. This process then keeps repeating and builds into a communication cycle.  The rationale of the communication cycle is to make it clear that effective communication is a two way process.  People working in the health and social sector need to know ‘what is’ and also ‘how to reply’ to verbal and non verbal feedback of the people they communicate and cooperate with. According to this theory people can get better and improve the effectiveness of their communication and also their interaction skills by adapting to the verbal and non-verbal responses from others.  

Getting your message across and then accurately interpreting the message that is communicated to you are important aspects to communication. However communication is not always effective as the receiver may misinterpret the message. There may be problems that occur at any stage of the communication cycle. Care workers or people working in the health and social sector can reduce these problems with well planned communications and through the effective use of their interaction skills. This figure below outlines some of the problems that can occur in the communication cycle.

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Figure 2: Problems in the Communication Cycle.

Taking turns in speaking and listening is one of the features that allow the communication cycle to work effectively. Interrupting people who are speaking or not listening to what people are saying disturbs the communication cycle. Furthermore communication is most effective when the message is clear. However communication is only effective when both the sender and receiver understand the same information as a result of communication. A variety of factors, as shown in the above figure, can disrupt the ...

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