Evaluation of my Body Image Health Campaign

Authors Avatar by aisha_issaoutlookcom (student)

Impact on Audience

My health campaign had a positive impact on my target audience because they were able to learn about factors that can influence their views on body shape and how to value themselves. At the start of my health campaign, my target audience were insecure and unaware of the impact it can have on their development. I used the results of the planning questionnaire to get an indication of what my target audience had thought about themselves before I carried out my health campaign in order to compare and contrast the results of my feedback questionnaire. The graph above shows that the health campaign was useful because there were less insecurity than I discovered in the planning questionnaire. There were 81 pupils that were insecure in the planning questionnaire. The number reduced in the feedback questionnaire to 12. This is a massive improvement because it showed that my health campaign had a positive impact on my target audience. My teachers and head of sixth form had praised me on the success of the campaign. I had also changed their views on body image issues. Majority of them didn’t see it as a major problem due to students not being open orally. This is the reason why I had chosen to do a questionnaire rather than an interview. It is easier for pupils to be open and express their concerns in a written form because interviews can make them withdraw or restrain, which would result on my health campaign not being effective due to denial.

Before carrying out my health campaign on body image issues, I had to draft up a planning questionnaire to find out what my target audience, which is year seven pupils that attend my school, find problematic with their body and what factors influence them in drafting up a perfect body. From the planning questionnaire I was able to discover that girls were 2% more insecure about their body image than boys. This might be because girls have drafted up an image of a perfect body; tall, skinny and athletic in their heads. If they don’t fit into the categories, they see themselves as a ‘worthless’ or ‘ugly’. I had asked in my planning questionnaire; “How important to you is your appearance?” The question was a closed-ended. Majority of the questions I had asked in my questionnaire was closed-ended because it would provide a quantity data that can be used as statistic. All the girls and 82% of boys had ticked yes. This made me be aware that boys and girls see their appearance to be important, it is something they value. This implies that boys and girls in year seven are insecure about their body image. I had asked the pupils that had ticked yes to elaborate the reason why they think it is important. Majority of the girls saw it as a necessity and the boys viewed it as a goal. This was an indication that I should educate these pupils about valuing their body.

I did find out that 65% of boys are more likely to compare their body type to their peers, famous athletes and family members. The questions I asked “How often do you compare yourself to other girls or boys?” there was a handful of boys that ticked yes than girls, and further on I asked them to elaborate their answer. Majority of the boys wrote that peer pressure and the mass media had an impact on how they viewed themselves. They would often be exposed to well-built athletes and pressured to getting the ‘perfect body’ to impress girls. If they don’t fit into a certain category they would often get verbal abuse from their male peers. From the secondary research I had done for my health campaign, I had learned that boys would judge each other more than girls. Debbie Epstein (1998) and Francis (2001) had examined the way masculinity is constructed within schools. They found that boys are likely than girls to be harassed, labelled as ‘sissies’ and subjected to homophobic (anti-gay) verbal abuse if they appear to be ‘swots,’ which is a term to describe someone that studies or behaves similar to a girl. A feminine boy would be subjected to verbal abuse from other boys because he does not look and behave the same. From a young age boys establish a certain norms and value and if it is broken, then the boy would be socially excluded.

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One critical issue that arose in the planning questionnaire is that there was a handful of boys that perceive their body shape as unrealistic. I had asked another closed-ended question; “Do you perceive your shape in an unrealistic way?” There were a large proportion of boys that had ticked yes, 15% more than girls. This links to what I mentioned about boys being exposed to well-built and muscled men from mass media in the previous paragraph. Year seven boys don’t usually have toned muscles because they have not yet fully developed their body since boys tend to go through puberty when ...

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