Theories of health and illness

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Joanne Barton

Theories of health and illness

Health is difficult to define and there are many different theories of health, in this assignment I will be trying to describe and explain these theories and the benefit of epidemiological studies in identifying illness.

So what is the definition of health, is it just the absence of illness and disease or living a healthy life style and being in a good state of mind. The world health organisation is formed by the members of the United Nations they believe that ‘‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (and a socially and economically productive life)’’ (WHO, constitution of the world health organisation, Geneva, 1946).

This definition is saying that it’s not just the absence of disease or illness that is good health, but its being mentally healthy and socially comfortable as well. which I agree with, as leading a healthy life isn’t just not getting ill, its being mentally well, happy, secure, stress free (most of the time) and living in a safe, sheltered and comfortable environment, also getting sleep, eating well, having access to medical and dental care, good hygiene and just having a good self well-being. This definition is very useful because it shows that that you need good health in the body and mind and the environment you live in can affect your health in many ways. It helps you understand health a bit more. The who’s polices have a huge impact on international health there objective is to attain the highest standards of health worldwide. The limitation for this definition is that it states that an individual needs to be in a state of complete self-well being which would be impossible most of the time.

Another definition is the medical definition it believes that ‘‘health is the condition of an organism or one of  its parts in which it performs its vital functions normally or properly, the state of being sound in the body and mind, with freedom from physical disease and pain.’’ (The Merriam-Webster medical dictionary 2002)

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This definition is saying that a human is an organism and it must be free from physical disease and pain and perform properly to be healthy. The medical definition focuses more on biological abnormalities then how the patient actually feels.

This definition is quite different from the WHO definition as it focuses more on getting a disease or being in pain then having a healthy life style and a good state of mind.

Theories of health

There are different theories of health and mental health they include the multi causal theory this is the biological theory, and ...

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