Unit 3, Legislation and working with children.

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Kirtan Kaur                                                                                                                 416.000           12/733950

Unit 3 Assignment

E1: Identify FIVE (5) pieces of current legislation

5 pieces of Legislation

  • The Children Act (1989)
  • The Data Protection Act (1989) DPA
  • Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) HASAWA
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of The Child (1991) CRC
  • The Disabled Persons Act (1986)

E2: Describe how each piece of legislation will influence working practices in the setting.

The Children Act (1989) influences the setting because this act believes that children should be “encouraged to make their own decisions, to be consulted and to be kept informed about everything that will happen to them” and this means that if the child is getting moved to a higher class or is going to get a new teacher/key worker that he/she must be told this information and explained to. It also aims to “work in partnership with parents and to protect the child from harm”, this means that the setting should take all necessary precautions to ensure that the child is protected from all harm. So this could mean putting a password on the door so that persons who are not authorised will not be allowed entry, this would protect the child immensely.

The Data Protection Act (1989) stated that “personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specific or lawful purposes this means that personal data about the child e.g. DOB, medical needs, and family/personal issues should not be shared with people who are not permitted a this could cause serious damage to the child physical and emotional as someone with a grudge against the child/family could use this information for spiteful reasons. This means that if a child is in danger that would be a reason to use their information, or if they are having an allergic reaction. I carry this out in my practice by not talking about children or their personal information outside of the practice or to other people.

The Health and Safety Work Act states that the setting must “set up emergency procedures”, this means that if a small fire was to occur in the setting then there would be a reasonable plan to follow. This plan could be forming a straight line away from where the fire is and quickly exiting through the fire exit and then once again forming a line outside the building. The plan could also include having a register to check if all the children are there and then once safe, calling parents and fire brigade. It also states that the setting should “ensure that appropriate safety signs are provide and maintained”. This means that if a certain part of the floor is wet then a big sign stating that the floor is wet should be immediately placed by the wet floor. This will ensure that no children, staff members or parents will cause damage to themselves by slipping because they would’ve seen the sign. I carry this out in my placement by always alerting a staff member immediately when a child has spilt their drink so that I or another staff member could clean it straight away.

The UN Convention on The Rights of The Child states that “Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities”. This means that in a setting children have the right to play with different toys and to paint and mostly to learn about different cultures whilst playing and relaxing. I carry this out In my setting by telling children about the different kinds of animals in the world.

The Disabled Persons Act states that “provision of aids and adaptations” this could mean that the setting has to ensure that if they have a disabled child or staff member that the setting caters for them. So if the child is on a wheelchair then the setting should ensure that all the doorways are wide for the wheelchair to get through, a place to store the wheelchair and also a high table for the wheelchair to fit underneath.  

E3: Describe how the policies and procedures will help safeguard children

Policies and procedures are originally put in place to help safeguard children. For example in my setting we have a policy on behaviour, part of this policy is that no physical punishment should be used on children. In the human rights act it is stated that adults and children are entitled to the basic rights. By following this policy, this ensures that children learn better when they are safe, secure and healthy and also when they have encouraging and positive relationships with their carers or practitioners. To ensure that all food and drink that is consumed by children are healthy and safe, there is a health and safety policy put in place. In my setting we have a procedure to follow if a child gets hurt accidentally e.g. fell over in the playground. This procedure is that the person who saw the accident/incident has to write it up in the accident book and has to tell the manager or senior practitioner who would then ring the child’s parents or carers and tell them about it. If it serious or dangerous then we would request that the parents come in and take the child home, doctors or hospital. This procedure has to be followed at all times because if a child falls down and no one writes it up then that child could suffer a dangerous injury and no one would know about it until it is too late. To ensure that special needs children are not separate from other children because of their personal needs or disability, there has been a special educational needs policy put in place. Also in the special needs and disability act (2001) it is clearly stated that all practices should provide and make sensible adjustments to their building to accommodate a special needs child or a child with a disability. “Making sure your organization has policies and procedures in place for safeguarding and child protection:

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  • protects children and young people from harm and abuse  
  • enables staff and volunteers to know what to do if they are worried
  • Shows that your group is responsible and has pride in its work”.

   E4: Describe how the policies and procedures promote fair, just and inclusive Strategies.

To ensure that the setting is fair towards the parents and their children, you need to ensure that every child’s individual needs are met and handled efficiently as every child and their family are different in many ways. Being inclusive toward the children and their families could mean recognizing ...

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