History Coursework: Assignment 1.1

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Irshaad Mahomed

History Coursework: Assignment 1.1

Explain How the Schlieffen Plan was meant to Work

 The American military historian, Terence Zuber, has placed some doubt over the existence of a specific Schlieffen Plan.  However, during this essay I will assume that there was actually a specific Schlieffen Plan.


 A major strategic problem existed for Germany because of the problem of having to fight a war on two fronts at the same time against both France and Russia.  When Graf Alfred Schlieffen became Chief of Staff, he was asked to plan a way of preventing a war on two fronts.  He concluded that if war was to break out, France would have to be dealt with first.  This was because he believed that France was a bigger threat; there were better railways to the western front and Russia had recently constructed fortifications in Poland and therefore would take longer to invade.  Most importantly, however, Schlieffen believed that the Russians would take a long time to mobilise their armies because of poor railways and inferior technology and, therefore, leave the Germans with enough time to reach the eastern front with their superior railways, having dealt with France.

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 Schlieffen had realised that the Germans could not attack across their border due to the fortresses which France had built along Alsace and Lorraine after 1870.  However, he had admired the encircling movement executed by Hannibal at the battle of Cannae in 216 BC and he had a vision of Germany executing a ‘Cannae’ style battle against the French by encircling Paris.  This battle was to be quick and decisive and there weren’t too many Germans who believed that it wouldn’t be.  

 In December 1905, Schlieffen had put together his Denkshrift (study) in which it stated that the strategy ...

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