How far do you agree that the revolutions of 184849 in Italy were caused primarily by economic grievances?

How far do you agree that the revolutions of 1848–49 in Italy were caused primarily by economic grievances?
In 1848 revolutions swept across Europe including countries such as France, Prussia, Germany and Italy. Many countries – with the exception of Britain – attempted to modernize themselves as they rode the wave of riots, demonstrations and rallies eventually (in many cases) leading to political reform. The causes of these revolutions remain heavily disputed by historians today and it is impossible to identify only one factor as the sole cause for the uprisings. However, a significant player in the onset of such revolutions across Europe and especially in Italy is down to the economic grievances suffered by civilians during this time. The years preceding 1848 were turbulent ones, and whilst it was a key component in inducing the rebellion it worked merely as a trigger – bringing already brewing feelings across Italy from underneath the surface to the fore.