To What Extent was Napoleon Master of Europe

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To What Extent was Napoleon Master of Europe


"I govern not as a general, but because the nation believes that I have the civilian qualities necessary to govern,”” to heal the wounds, to correct the extravagances, to secure the conquests, “Napoleon Bonaparte.

Was he really such a person – a man of strength, determination and complete domination of Europe, or was he an over rated character, over – exaggerated by the press and historians. Those are the questions, which I am going to answer in this composition.

I acknowledge this question as asking the actual proportion of Napoleon’s domination over Europe, during his reign of France’s Emperor. He was well-renowned for the major reforms he made to France.

 During the revolution, Napoleon strongly supported the Jacobins, a debating society, which consisted of a committed group, dedicated to solving the Republican problems. They believed in establishing a strong centralised government and supported in maintaining peace in France while winning the war against his enemies.

Napoleon did not change his opinions even when he came to power. He still maintained the practical ideas and logic during and after his reign.

When Napoleon came to power, he changed the lives of many in France. He made many reforms, which before the revolution restricted civilians of doing such activities.

He first established a centralised government, and worked on the peace and consolidation of France as this was what the people of France were aiming for before the revolution. He wanted stability.

“We have finished the romance of the Revolution we must now begin its history, only seeking for what is real and practicable in the application of its principles, and not what is speculative and hypothetical.”

He also declared other philosophical quotes.

“The Revolution is made fast on the principles on which it began; the Revolution is finished.”

These statements support the argument that the new regime was a break and the continuality of the past. He decided in order to dominate Europe he would have to permit stability and order in his France itself. He did exactly that.


Once he came to power it was Napoleon’s leadership to combine the old France with the new. Religion was a huge factor in France’s daily troubles. Therefore Napoleon decided to reconcile the differences between the religions. The main reason for such a rivalry between the religions was that, during the revolution, France was “de-Christianised.” Millions of Catholic’s were outraged at such a move. In western France, where Catholics were strong in many, formed rebel groups and tried to overthrow the government at that time, and stop the revolution before any other outrageous reforms were made.  On the 15 July 1801, Napoleon signed the Concordat, permitting Catholicism, as the main religion is France. They did not hurry to make it an established religion, as Britain had done. In doing so, the Concordat also allowed protestants and Jews to practice their religion and retain their civil rights and freedoms. This settled the argument between the religions and once again, people of different backgrounds were allowed to walk out of their house without getting hard glares or insults flung onto them. Not only did this restore peace in France, but it also made Napoleon very popular among the priest. All were allowed to believe in what they wanted to believe in without the government or politics interfering in their way.

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After promoted ‘Consul for life’ by the senates, with increased confidence, Napoleon started making reforms in the way France should be run. In secondary schools, he created the lycee. The environment of these schools would be run with strict military disciplined. The students in these schools learnt everything that was programmed by the government and took the Baccalaureate to enter university. Science and mathematics increased in importance in secondary schools. The school were extremely selective and it was difficult to get in.

Napoleon’s greatest achievement was probably the Napoleon’s code, which was a Civil law, produced in 1804. Throughout ...

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