Why did War break out in Europe in 1939?

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Why did War break out in Europe in 1939?

When Hitler came to power he had 3 main aims, to abolish the Treaty of Versailles, to expand German territory and to defeat communism.  Like many Germans Hitler believed the Treaty of Versailles was unjust.  He hated the Treaty and called the German leaders who had signed it ‘The November Criminals’.  The Treaty was a constant reminder to Germans of their defeat in the First World War and their humiliation by the Allies.  Hitler promised that if he became leader of Germany he would reverse it.  By the time he came to power some of the terms had already been changed, for example, Germany had stopped making reparations payments altogether.  However most points were still in place and 5 especially still angered him:

  • Germany’s armed forces to be severely limited
  • The Rhineland to be a de-militarised zone
  • Germany forbidden to unite with Austria
  • The polish corridor given to Poland
  • The Sudetenland taken into the new state of Czechoslovakia

The Treaty had take away German territory.  Hitler wanted to get that territory back, he wanted Germany to unite with Austria, he wanted German minorities in other countries, such as Czechoslovakia, to rejoin Germany, but he also wanted to carve out an empire in eastern Europe and Russia to give extra living space (Lebensraum) for Germans.  A German empire carved out of Russia would also help Hitler with another one of his objectives, the defeat of Communism or Bolshevism. Hitler was anti-communist, he believed that the Bolsheviks had helped bring about the defeat of Germany in the First World War, he also believed that the Bolsheviks wanted to take over Germany.

In the 1930’s there were two incidents that really changed the League of Nations.  The first major test came when the Japanese invaded Manchuria in 1931.  Since 1900 Japan’s economy and population had been growing rapidly, by the 1920’s it was a major power.

  • It had a very powerful army and navy – army leaders often dictated government policy
  • It had a strong industry, exporting goods to the USA and China in particular
  • It had a growing empire that included the Korean Peninsular.

The depression had hit Japan badly.  Both China and USA had put up tariffs (trade barriers) against Japanese goods.  The collapse of the American market put the Japanese economy in crisis.  Without this trade Japan could not feed its people.  Army leaders in Japan were in no doubt about the solution to Japan’s problems – they wanted to build up a Japanese empire by force.  IN 1931 and incident in Manchuria gave them the opportunity they had been looking for to expand the Japanese empire, they already controlled the South Manchuria railway, and in September 1931 they claimed that the Chinese soldiers had sabotaged the railway.  IN retaliation they overran Manchuria and threw out all of the Chinese forces.  IN February 1931 they set up a puppet government, which did exactly what the Japanese army told it to.  Later in 1932 Japanese aeroplanes and gunships bombed Shanghai.  The civilian government in Japan told the Japanese army to withdraw, but their instructions were ignored.  It was clear that it was the Japanese army and not the government was in control of the Japanese foreign policy.  China appealed to the league, Japan claimed that it was not invading as an aggressor but simply settling a local difficulty.  The Japanese argued that china was in such a state of anarchy that they ad to invade in self-defence to keep peace in the area.  For the League of Nations this was a serious test, Japan was a leading member of the league, it needed careful handling, but what should they do.

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There was now a long and frustrating delay.  The league’s officials sailed around the world to assess the situation in Manchuria for themselves.  It was September 1932, a full year after the invasion, before they presented their report.  It was detailed and balanced, but the judgement was very clear, Japan was in the wrong and had acted unlawfully, Manchuria should be returned to the Chinese.  However in February 1933 instead of withdrawing for Manchuria the Japanese announced that they were going to invade even more of china.  They still argued that this was in self-defence.  On 24th February 1933 the ...

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