How are Features of Real Speech Used to Create Humour?

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Alex Keith

How are Features of Real Speech Used to Create Humour?


Features of real speech such as hesitation, fillers, pauses and false starts are not common features in scripted material. The main reason for this is that, in real life, these features serve the purpose of giving the speaker time to think about what they are saying before they continue talking. In scripted material this is rarely necessary because characters are only expected to say things that are relevant to the story in some way. Therefore each character knows exactly what they need to say and can say it without using any features of real speech at all. However, there are some examples of scripted material that will deliberately use these features to create an effect. I have decided to look specifically at instances of scripted material using these features to create a comedic effect. The reason for this is that I have a strong interest in comedic writing and find this subtle form of humour quite intriguing. I want to be able to find the line between using features of real speech unnecessarily and using them to create humour. I hope that by finding this I will be able to understand more about how these features work and when they are most likely to be used in scripted material. I plan to do this by looking in detail at comedic transcripts, particularly one from the TV sitcom, “The Office” as the context of this comedy is likely to contain features of real speech.

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The data I have collected is a series of transcripts from TV shows and sitcoms.  I decided that this would be the best approach as I will be able to analyse how the features of real speech are used and the effect that this creates. I will be looking at the use of real speech in terms of pragmatics, semantics and grammar in all of the transcripts that I need to analyse. I think these analytical frameworks will be the most appropriate frameworks to analyse as it’s often implied and shared meaning that leads to comedy; I ...

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