Boxing Should Be Banned
Boxing is a sport that has a history dating back centuries. The ancient Greeks practised a brutal form which involved participants wearing studs on the knuckles and death or serious injury were common. Nowadays the ‘sport’ has a more humane set of rules but nevertheless the principal aim is to debilitate the enemy.
Boxing can be defined as a sport that is merely a legalised way of attacking another person. It is the only sport, which brings out the worst in not only the boxer himself or herself but also the spectators. A large, majority of boxers were once young, aggressive juveniles who built up reputations for themselves as street fighters, and were in this way noticed by local professional talent scouts. These scouts brought their protégées into a world where the golden rule is that the harder you throw the punches; the further you get in the way of a career. These young boxers are conned into believing that the more aggressive they are in the ring, the more respect they will gain in the boxing community, when really they are being exploited in all ways imaginable by their managers and fight promoters.
For instance once a boxer reaches the age of 18, a manager can take a cut of 25% of the takings of a match, a completely preposterous figure when you take into consideration that it is the boxer who is knocking the years off his life with each fight he takes part in: not the manager. Boxers are the means by which managers make their money; to be financially used is part of the profession of boxing. What absolutely amazes me is why a man or women would want to put his or her health on the line time after time for mere money. Money I'll admit is important in every day life but your health is of utmost importance. All it takes in the ring is for a fighter to get riled and throw one wild, thoughtless punch, full of malice at an opponent for excruciating pain to be inflicted.