Explain how the Opposition can hold the Government to account.

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Explain how the Opposition can hold the government to account. [16]

The role of opposition is extremely important as they always stand against the executive, picking holes in their manifesto and proposed new legislation. The ‘opposition’ are all the parties which don’t make up the government, as they aim to expose the weaknesses within government. Their role is more of a ritualised process, but one which nevertheless plays an important role. The opposition exert a great deal of scrutiny, as they are constantly analysing and dissecting the work of the executive, in order to render them incompetent and unworthy of their place in government. Scrutiny from the opposition is especially important in the run up to elections, as other parties need to prove they are more capable than the current government in power.

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Labour – formally referred to as Her Majesty’s Opposition – is the second largest party in the commons, led by Jeremy Corbyn. The role of the opposition is to oppose, criticise, and scrutinise the government. The opposition is traditionally consulted on bipartisan matters and twenty days are set aside in the common’s yearly timetable for debate and criticism of government. In 2008, for example, the conservatives used an Opposition Day to call for an immediate inquiry into the Iraq war.

As the Official Opposition, it is the job of the party that is not in power to act as ...

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