Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties. I believe that many aspects of the Patriot Act violate American civil liberties. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Under the Patriot Act the FBI is granted access to med

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SECURING AMERICA                 


Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties

Shakea Ricks

POL 201: American National Government

Prof. Marion Rogers

February 27, 2012

Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties

September 11, 2001 is a day the world will always remember.  It is a day that from there on after had to be in history. An event that made the rest of the world sit back and stare in horror.  We didn't want to believe other human beings could be so cruel and to be able to cause so much pain.  War was the reality we had to face.  After the attack of September 11 everything changed in the United States of America.  Our country took extreme measures to "protect" its citizens and with that they infringed in our civil liberties.

        Civil Liberties are the personal guaranties and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law, constitution, or judicial interpretation (O’Connor pg. 725).  These liberties give us rights like the right to life, freedom from torture, freedom from slavery and forced labor, and the right to a fair trial, to privacy, freedom of expression the right to marry and have a family.  Throughout this paper I will discuss my position on the current debate since 9/11/2001 regarding the restriction of civil liberties as stated in the Bill of Rights in order to protect American citizens from terrorist organizations.  I will interpret how the First and Fourth Amendments have been changed since the implementation of the USA Patriot Act and I will also discuss my belief on whether the restrictions in civil liberties violate the underlying principles of American democracy.

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        The September 11th attacks are the deadliest terrorist attacks in history. On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked four U.S. commercial airliners and crashed two into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and the fourth in a field in Pennsylvania.  On this day in history Americans sat in front of their televisions and radios watching helplessly as the 110-story twin towers crumbled to the ground.  In a matter of seconds the world had changed. In the aftermath of these horrible events, the U.S. government found it necessary to create new laws so that this sort of atrocity will ...

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