Define the following - psychology, cognition, motion, self and moral development.

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Psychology in my view is a relatively new ‘science’ where scientists (social scientist) study humans and animals behaviour, metal processes, and adaptation under specific environmental stressors. They study these reactions and behaviours so that a guide about, how people and animals, mental, physical and other aspects, reacts and adapt to the environment and how these help or hinder interactions between them.

That means they try to label behaviours and classify them to understand, predict, or reinforce or create similar behaviour.  

From Sternberg (2001)``we learn that there are 4 main goals of psychology.

Firstly, this science has a describing goal, where they tried to explain why such human behaviour occurs and describe what is happening.  This is done through intensive observation either in laboratory conditions or in field research.

 The second goal is answering how people and other organization react feel, think invasions situations.

The third goal is to predict behaviour, and say that under similar circumstances people animals may act likeness.

The fourth and last goal is control, where they seeking to influence behaviour.(Lecture march 2003) E.g.  To make people love the police in India, they try out pale blue uniforms instead of deep blue as psychologists believed that the later provokes/promotes violent behaviour.() Interesting!

Sternberg (2001) argues that ‘to study psychology, the study of the mind and behaviour, is to seek to understand how we think, learn, perceive, feel, act and interact with others….’ (Sternberg 1995 pp4)

These are very difficult, because people and animals are unique and very unpredictable. An example could be when people or animals act, their actions can be purely reflexes (emotions), as these mentioned above (think, learn etc) are mainly cognition. Cognition cannot be measured accurately. Psychology deals with the individuals cognitive, behavioral and other aspects, not the big picture on (macro).  This can have it’s limitations as behaviour are not always cognition, or cannot be explain by the study of mental processes or behavioral patterns. Although psychologists would argue that behaviour can be explained by studying mental processes and behavioural patterns.   Sternberg (2001)``The focus of psychology is on the individual weather alone or in interaction with others and the environment [but] it is difficult to distinguish between aspects of psychology as environment, climate and people all affect how people think and act’’(Sternberg 2001 pp4)

Many authors have tried to define, or give a complete definition of psychology; one author coined “the study of behaviour or the science of behaviour” while another said ‘the science of the nature, functions, and phenomena of behaviour and mental processes”. These definitions can be confusing as psychology can mean more than one thing, or fields of study. This science helps us to help others, and ourselves as we learn what make us and others tick. This can mean that by understanding how people think act and socialize we shed light on our behaviors. One author said ``as different meanings are attached to this word it seams slightly perverse to define psychologist as the study or science of behaviour as if psychology were only interested, only in outwards behaviour and never the mental experiences often associated with it.’’  (Papalia 1995 pp10)  To study ``psychology the study of the mind and behaviour, is to seek to understand how we think learn perceive, feel act, interact, with others and even understand ourselves and (Sternberg, 1995, P4)  

Scientific side of psychology holds that what is found is the truth, predictability, value frees, every thing explainable – This cannot be so for social worker as social worker needs values to direct practice, and critical thinking should be applied as psychology has it’s limitations. ()

It was René Descartes from Europe, in the 1800s, and later USA where mainly male researcher studied and developed psychology. These were full of biases and contributed to create instability in the study of the animals and individuals.  Not sure I understand the point of including Descartes in this discussion, who preceded scientific psychology and was a philosopher.  You need to make the link apparent and explicit in your discussion.

This is quite a long definition with lots of ideas in it relevant to defining psychology.  Look over your definition again carefully and you will see that some of these points are repeated.  Therefore, you could have defined the term more concisely and not have lost any meaning from your definition.


Self can mean different things to different people.  It can mean - from whom I am to who I can be or what I was to who I cannot be.  This means that self is relative and changes over time. Therefore it is obvious that self is different for everyone as we move from person to person - perception of self-changes over time - as self grows, mature and age as we do.  Self mean ‘an idea, of who we are and how we are’’ (lecture 6/reader12 March 2003). A couple of authors said ``the way the world appears to a particular individual, and how they attach meanings to their experiences and feelings’’ (Raskin & Rogers 1995 pp140)  This quote needs to be more fully explained because on its own it does not contribute to a definition or explanation of self.   It is believed that we are not born with these faculties. Self develops as a child grows and goes through experiences like falling down, looking glass self and other social learning experiences.  If they receive positive value and worthy experiences they will develop a good sense of self-if not they will be damaged as self is not innate.

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A group of authors said,`` that around the age of 12 to 18 months infants start to recognize themselves’. (Levis 1970 and als.)  At around ‘18 months it is believed that the knowledge that a person can exist or exists independently from everyone else starts to surface’, according to child development experts’’. (Mahler et als 1975pp234)

There are various parts to self; some of the most important parts will be discussed below.

Self-concept :( sometimes defines as self) As children get older they develop self-concept.  It is believed that “self-concept is a person sense of identity, the set of ...

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