Describe and evaluate one or more theories relating to the formation and/or maintenance of relationships

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Assignment 1

Describe and evaluate one or more theories relating to the formation and/or maintenance of relationships.

The scientific study of how relationships form has shown that, at least in the initial stages, this process may have little to do with deep feelings and shard emotions, and more to do with self-interest. There are two main theories of relationship formation: The Reinforcement Affect Model and The Social Exchange Theory.

The Reinforcement Affect Model

The Reinforcement Affect Model was suggested by Byrne and Clore (1970). It proposes that we enter into a relationship because the individual concerned creates positive feelings in us, which makes them more attractive to us.

The ‘reinforcement’ aspect of this model concerns operant conditioning; we like some individuals because they provide us with direct reinforcement (I.e. they make us feel good). This is supported by Griffir and Guay (1969) who found that participants rated and experimenter more highly if he/she had given them a positive evaluation.

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The ’reinforcement’ aspect can also be associated with classical conditioning; we like some individuals because they are associated with pleasant events. This is supported by Grifit and Guay (1969) who found that onlookers were also rated more highly when the experimenter had rates participants positively.

The affect of the classical and/or operant conditioning leads to feelings of either positive (if they make us feel happy) or negative (if they make us feel unhappy) evaluation of the individual concerned.

There are many limitations concerning The Reinforcement Affect Model. For example, this model only explores one factor that may affect liking ...

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This essay debates relevant points about formation and maintenance of relationships. Remember to consider ethical aspects and applications of theories and research. What about the evolutionary explanation? 4*