Discuss research into any two types of understudied relationships (e.g. gay and lesbian, "electronic friendships")

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Discuss research into any two types of understudied relationships (e.g. gay and lesbian, “electronic friendships”)

Although widely understudied, there are still some studies into gay and lesbian relationships. Davidson (1991) found that gay men appear to desire physical characteristics and status symbols, which are associated with the male role in Western cultures. He found this from studying lonely hearts adverts. However, this is a biased sample as not all gay men and lesbians would advertise with a lonely hearts and maybe only one group do. Therefore, these results cannot be generalised, lacking population validity. Yip (1991) found that many gay men and lesbians feel that sex outside the relationship is not a bad thing as sexual exclusivity is based on a heterosexual blueprint. Therefore, gay and lesbian relationships have a different set of “rules” to heterosexual relationships. Gay men are discovered to have the most frequent sex of all cohabiting couples, at least for the first two years of the relationship. However, as these findings were drawn from surveys, the results are unreliable due to factors such as social desirability bias. Gay men may feel they have to live up to a reputation and not tell the truth in the surveys.

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Blumstein & Schwartz (1983) found that 48% of lesbians and 36% of gay couples broke up within two years compared with 29% of heterosexual cohabiters and 14% of married heterosexual couples. This may be due to factors such as gay and lesbian couples being under more pressure and strain to break up or that heterosexual couples face more barriers to end the relationship, such as children, costs and pressures from family or friends to stay together. Homosexual couples are also more likely to remain friends after the break-up of the relationship. This may be due to more amicable break-ups ...

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