A big aspect of the model was rehearsal; information can’t reach long-term
memory unless it’s rehearsed. The more it’s rehearsed, the longer the memory
will be as the trace becomes stronger.
The model has been criticised as lacking ecological validity because the
evidence for the model comes mainly from laboratory based experiments using
meaningless verbal data.
It’s also criticised as being simplistic; the model assumes that both short and
long term memory consist of individual stores made up of one component each,
but research into the working memory model has demonstrated that short-term
memory possibly consists of different components.
Peterson and Peterson’s research supports the role of rehearsal. They found that
when groups of participants were asked to recall words from a list, but were
prevented from rehearsing them by having to count backwards in threes, recall
dropped from 80% after a three second interval, to 20% after an eighteen
second interval, suggesting that rehearsal is necessary to embed information in
the LTM. This is a strength of the model in its views on rehearsal.
One weakness of the model is that the model is oversimplified. It assumes there is only one long-term store and one short-term store. This has been disproved by evidence from brain damaged patients, suggesting several different short-term stores, and other evidence suggesting different long-term stores.
Another Strength of the model is that people with Korsakoff’s syndrome (amnesia that’s mostly caused by chronic alcoholism) provide support for the model. They can recall the last items in a list (unimpaired recency effect), suggesting an unaffected STM. However, their LTM is very poor. This supports the model by showing that STM and LTM are separated stores.
Second weakness of the model is that in the model, information is transferred from STM to LTM through rehearsal. But in real-life people don’t always spend time rehearsing, yet they still transfer information to LTM. Rehearsal is not always needed for information to be stored and some items can’t be rehearsed.
Gursharan Singh