Which Source Is The More Useful As Evidence About The Start of The Children's Evacuation Journey?

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Question 1: Which Source Is The More Useful As Evidence About The Start of The Children’s Evacuation Journey?

By looking at both of the sources it is clear that both can be useful, though much depends on what you are trying to find out. Each source is very different, one is a picture taken as the event happened, the other a written account given long after the event. There are issues surrounding each and their usefulness and reliability.

Source B has some obvious limitations, First of all we do not know why it was taken, was it government propaganda or simply a picture taken for a family photo album? Both would have very different implications. As propaganda was made in order to encourage parents to send their children away, the photo would only be taken if the children appeared to be happy, therefore it would not be an accurate representation of how the children were feeling.

Even if this source was not apiece of propaganda it still only shows one moment in time, and you can only see a small proportion of the children’s faces and as a result is very limited in its ability to represent all of the children evacuated across the country. Another thing that we must consider is the fact that the children are probably with their schoolteacher. It is clear that she knows that a picture is being taken because she and many of the children are waving; therefore she may have also told them to smile for the camera.

Source C also has many limitations; firstly it was written in 1988, this is 49 years after the evacuations in September 1939 when the account was taken. Even if the teacher were 20 at the time she would have been 69 when the account was written, it is human nature to forget things. Parts of her story may have become distorted over time. Also it was written from an interview, the person interviewing might have changed things to make a more interesting read. This source is one persons view point, it may not have been the same for every teacher all over the country, it also mentions what the children were feeling this may have been wrong as it came from the teacher and not a child.

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Source B is very useful however because it allows us to see the expression on the children’s faces at the time and unlike written accounts will not change over time. It also allows us to see the area in which many of the children were coming from including the sort of clothes they were wearing and what sort of condition they were in, I know that the majority of children came from working class families in poor areas of overcrowded cities, and the photo supports this. We can therefore reinforce what we have read from sources such as C ...

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