Why do sources A to F differ in their attitudes to the evacuation of children? Explain your answer using the sources and knowledge from your studies.

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Why do sources A to F differ in their attitudes to the evacuation of children? Explain your answer using the sources and knowledge from your studies.

There are a number of reasons why sources shows different attitudes. These may be related to the author of the source, when it was produced, and the purpose that the source has.

Source A is a photograph of evacuees walking to a train station in London, ready to be evacuated. The author of the source is unknown. It was taken in September 1939, which is at the start of the war and when people were first evacuated out of the cities to the countryside, where they would be safer. It gives a positive attitude about the war .This photograph illustrates most of the children looking excited and happy as they are waving to the camera and smiling. Like in many cases, the children in the photograph probably didn't know exactly why they are being evacuated, and that is why they don't look upset. The children are not walking with their parents, some of them are on their own, probably because they have already been split up from their parents. Some children in the picture are accompanied by an adult who could be a parent or a minder. The picture displays that they are accompanied by what could be a teacher as she is leading them on and may be keeping them on the pavement; teachers were seen as a valuable asset and so were also evacuated to the countryside and accompanied the children. In the photograph the children are wearing tags and are carrying gas masks, which are necessities which they would require when being evacuated, and also some personal belongings. There is a man in the foreground of the photograph who is wearing a suit and tie and a hat. He may be an official from the government overseeing the evacuation process or he could be the head-teacher of the school in which the children are from.

The audience of the piece is unknown, as is the purpose. It could have been on a poster to show parents and the British Public that children were happy being evacuated, and to persuade them to sign up their kids for evacuation. It may also have been a photograph that a parent has taken of their child, so they have a picture of their son/daughter smiling and laughing to remember them by. It agrees with my own knowledge, as I know that children were excited about evacuation at first, it was an adventure for them; they didn't know what was going to happen. However it also disagrees with what I know, as many children were upset to be leaving their families, not knowing if they were going to see them again.

The source is reliable because it shows that children were cheerful towards evacuation. Because it is a photograph it is not as easy to misinterpret what is being illustrated. For example, stories can be misinterpreted because we have to imagine what is being said. However, being a photograph we can see exactly what is happening and so we know what occurred. It is unreliable as we don't know the author of the source or the context that it was put in. It may have been a staged photograph, and could have been taken by the Government as a means of propaganda for the war. The photo is not very detailed- it is a wide pan shot of the street, and therefore we cannot accurately see all of the people in the view. It is useful because it is a primary source from the time and was taken as the children were leaving, and so it shows us almost exactly what was happening at the time.

The source is useful because it gives an insight on what it may have been like for the children and what their attitudes towards evacuation were; such as what their feelings and emotions may have been. The source is furthermore useful because it supplies us with a view of what evacuation may have been like and how the evacuation process was conducted, and it shows us the sort of scene there may have been when children were being evacuated. It is not useful because we are unaware of many of the key details about the source, such as the author and the purpose of it. It only gives us a limited snapshot of what was happening, we cannot see the whole picture. For example, we cannot see who the man in suit in the foreground is standing with or talking to. Also, because we cannot see out of the camera angle, we cannot see what the scene is like anywhere else, whether there are also large amounts of children being evacuated nearby and if the street is crowded with people watching the evacuation, or whether the area is quiet and these are the only children being evacuated at that time.
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Overall, the source shows that some children out of the many millions that were evacuated, are positive towards it. It is not very reliable, for the reasons mentioned above. It can be linked to source D, in that they are both visual representations and that in Source A, everyone looks happy and are smiling, and in the picture of the advertisement in source D, the two children are also smiling and look cheerful. Therefore, both of these sources are similar in this sense that they convey happiness. However, the sources are different in that the photograph of source ...

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