Discuss critically the use of symbol as a means of expressing ideas about God

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Discuss critically the use of symbol as a means of expressing ideas about God

Religious truths can be revealed in different ways such as through symbolic language, images, and statements. God is believed to be much greater than we can possibly imagine, as defined by philosopher Anselm (1033-1109) ‘That which nothing greater can be conceived’. It can be difficult to use our own language as a way of describing God and his attributes. The complexity of talking about God is shown in the quote, ‘God can be thought about more truly than he can be talked about, and he is more truly than he can be thought about’ (De Trinitate – ‘On the Trinity’). In my discussion I will put forward different approaches of Aquinas, Ramsey, Maimonides and other philosophers to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of symbolic language about God

Religious language is either analogical or equivocal. Thomas Aquinas and Ian Ramsey believed the analogical approach and thought there were similarities between the words we use in ordinary language and the words we use to describe God. Aquinas recognised that words do not have the same meaning when applied to God being infinite, but are univocal to a certain extent. As there is a true correspondence. E.g. God is ‘good’, we can understand what this means from our understanding of good although it might not be as great. With this, Aquinas then developed his theory of proportion. Within which he recognises that statements about God are qualitatively greater than statements about humans. Although his theory does seem to suggest that our human language can work up to infinite concepts. An example of this is, ‘God is wise’ words such as wisdom to talk about God are using human concepts that we understand although there is no human who is completely wise. Wisdom is though an absolute concept that we recognise sometimes in us. This is qualifying our language to talk about God. Aquinas’ other theory is of attribution this is the claim that God is the creator of the universe, there is however no link between God and the universe other than that he created it. Aquinas believes that because of this religious language can be meaningful.

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Aquinas rejected equivocal language this is when the same word has an entirely different meaning in two situations. E.g. the nut on the tree, the nut on my bicycle. These are used in completely unrelated ways and if the language about God was used like this then there would be no connection between the language we use in the world and the language used about God and then the language about God would be meaningless.

Another issue to consider is that if God is outside space and time then it becomes problematic to talk of God from ...

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