The concept of authority simply masks the possession of power. Discuss

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The concept of authority simply masks the possession of power. Discuss (30 marks)

By authority we are referring to that which is held by states, Descriptive Practical Authority (DPA) and, is applicable, Normative Practical Authority (NPA). Power is simply the means by which all of us are able to do anything – from picking up a pen in order to write, to becoming Prime Minister in order to govern and to persuasion in order to gain influence. This question is fundamentally flawed for it implies that the possession of power is somehow separate from the possession of authority. As we shall see in this essay, power is something all of us need and crave, and authority is there to provide legitimacy to only the ‘correct’ sort of power. What gives it ‘correctness’ differs from person to person, and case to case.

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As Nietzsche said, “life simply is the will to power.” What he meant by this was, that in everything humans do, it is always to gain more and more power – as Hobbes wrote in The Leviathan, “we desire power after power that only ceaseth in death.” Power then, is a natural force. Authority is, consequently, there to give those who deserve it legitimacy in holding power.

DPA is said to be possessed by a state if it can maintain civil order. NPA is said to be possessed by a state if it has legitimacy in holding DPA. A ...

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