Comparison and Contrast Essay
"Bridging the Miles Between East and West"
Silver Spring, Maryland, and Phoenix, Arizona, are practically on opposites sides of the country. Because Silver Spring is on the east coast and Phoenix is in the southwest desert, one would expect the climates to be completely different, and they are! But, other than that, the two cities share some commonalities. The fact that Silver Spring is a suburb of Washington D.C.--capital of the United States--and Phoenix is the capital of Arizona guarantees enriching cultural opportunities in both. Additionally, both happen to be surrounded by states brimming with diverse natural beauty. Although the distance and climactic differences between Silver Spring and Phoenix are great, the cultural similarities between the two cities manage to bridge the miles between them.
The climates of the two cities represent their greatest diversity. Maryland is a Mid-Atlantic state on the east coast where the weather is, as one would expect, cold in the winter and hot in the summer. It may snow in the winter, but not very often and not very deep. Summers are hot with humidity reaching 90% at times, creating a muggy atmosphere. It is in the spring and fall, however, that Maryland is at its best. In March, balmy weather starts rolling in, enticing tulips and crocuses out of their cold beds. Azaleas soon follow, punctuating yards with festive color. After the dog days of summer, fall with its dazzling leaf display is eagerly welcomed. Pulling on that sweater is similarly anticipated following the long torrid Phoenix summers. When the summer's blaze reaches 115 degrees or more, the natives joke about frying eggs on sidewalks! But the heat is surprisingly sufferable because of low humidity. Although 90 degrees in Phoenix is comfortable, the same would be unbearable in Maryland's mugginess. After hiding within refrigerated air throughout the summer, Phoenix residents finally emerge in the fall after the mercury begins to dip. There is no better way to spend the winter than lolling by the pool on a sunny 70-degree day while folks in Maryland, and other parts, scrape encrusted snow from windshields and shovel their driveways! Regardless of the weather, however, people from both cities strive to explore the cultural and outdoor activities available to them.