Various Factors in the Preparation and cooking of Fruit and Vegetables can change the Vitamin C content. Devise and experiment one of those factors.

Various Factors in the Preparation and cooking of Fruit and Vegetables can change the Vitamin C content. Devise and experiment one of those factors. Pilot Method . Use a syringe (or Measuring Cylinder for measuring equal amounts) and pour out 10ml of DCPIP (Solution used to detect Vit.C) into a small beaker. 2. Using a separate Syringe, draw up 10ml of solution 0.1% Vitamin C 3. Slowly add the Vit.C into the DCPIP solution beaker, swirling around a few times. (swirling helps solutions to mix) 4. Continue to add the Vit.C until DCPIP turns a permanent straw colour. 5. Note the amount of Vit.C it took to change the colour of the DCPIP. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 5 3 times and take an average. Pilot Results Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Volume of Vit.C x Strength )( x 10ml = 8.5ml x 0.1% )( = 6ml x 0.1% 10ml Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Volume of Vit.C x Strength )( x 10ml = 6ml x 0.1% )( = 6ml x 0.1% 10ml Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Strength of DCPIP X Volume = Volume of Vit.C x Strength )( x 10ml = 6ml x 0.1% )( = 6ml x 0.1% 10ml Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Average Strength of DCPIP = 0.06 Method . Using a Syringe (or measuring cylinder) put 10ml of DCPIP into a small beaker. 2. Using a separate syringe, take up 10ml of Juice (Juices will change per experiment) 3. Slowly add the juice a little at a time until the DCPIP turns a

  • Word count: 1433
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Acid-base Titration

S.6A Karen Kwok (8) 11th, September, 2002. Chemistry Laboratory Report Title: Acid-base Titration Date: 11th, September, 2002. Objective: (1) To determine the concentration of the unknown Sulphuric acid solution. (2) To learn how to use the pipette and burette skillfully. Result: The solution will change from yellow to orange when it is neutralized. 1st 2nd Final burette reading (cm3) 34.75 44.60 Initial burette reading (cm3) 9.55 19.25 Volume of sodium carbonate solution (cm3) 25.20 25.25 Calculation: The volumes of 0.0500M sodium carbonate required for neutralization are: 25.20 cm3, 25.25 cm3. Therefore the average volume of 0.0500 M sodium carbonate required for neutralization: = 25.20 + 25.25 2 cm3 =25.23 cm3 Na2CO3 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) ›Na2SO4 (aq)+ CO2 (g)+H2O (l) 0.0500M ? M 25.00cm3 25.23cm3 No. of moles of sodium carbonate =Molarity of solution ×Volume of solution =0.0500 M ×0.0025 dm3 =0.000125mol According to the equation, mole of Na2CO3 required 1 mole of H2S04 for complete neutralization. ?No of moles of H2SO4 = 0.000125mol Concentration of H2SO4 solution = No. of moles of H2SO4 Volume of solution = 0.000125mol 0.002523dm3 =0.0495mol/dm3 Question: . In standardization of sulphuric acid solution with standard sodium sodium carbonate solution, methyl orange is

  • Word count: 629
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Acid Rain

Acid Rain What Causes Acid Rain? One of the main causes of acid rain is sulfur dioxide. Natural sources, which emit this gas, are Volcanoes, sea spray, rotting vegetation and plankton. However, the burning of fossil fuels, such as Coal and oil, are largely to be blamed for approximately half of the emissions of this gas in the world. When sulfur dioxide reaches the atmosphere, it oxidizes to first form a sulfate ion. It then Becomes sulfuric acid as it joins with hydrogen atoms in the air and falls back down to earth. Oxidation occurs the most in clouds and especially in heavily polluted air where other compounds such as ammonia and ozone help to catalyze the reaction, changing more sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid. However, not all of the sulphur dioxide is changed to sulfuric acid. In fact, a substantial amount can float up into the atmosphere, move over to another area and return to earth unconverted. In the following pages I will show the effects of acid rain on: · Effect on Trees and Soils · Effect on Lakes and Aquatic Systems · Effect on Materials · Effect on Atmosphere · Effect on Architecture · Effect on Humans Effect on Trees and Soils One of the most serious impacts of acid precipitation is on forests and soils. Great damage is done when sulfuric acid falls onto the earth as rain. Nutrients present in the soils are washed away. Aluminium also present in the

  • Word count: 1710
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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The aim of this investigation is to analyse what cations and anions are present in Mummion a preservative for mummies

Name: Sasha Westfield Unit: Science at work G621 Class code: VSS6 Assignment Objective: AO3 A Preservative for mummies Introduction The aim of this investigation is to analyse what cations and anions are present in Mummion, I will investigate this by doing two types of tests. Mummion is an inorganic solid that is obtained from dried up lake beds, Mummion was used by Egyptians to mummify dead bodies, they would treat the body with a natural occurring preservative which is known as Mummion. An Archaeologist would most likely want to investigate Mummion because they would want to know more about this substance or replicate it. First Test Flame test procedure To find the cations present in mummion I will be carrying out a flame test. I will need the following equipment: Bunsen burner Hydrochloric acid Heat proof mat Nichrome rod Goggles Lab coat Samples of metal ions First, I need to clean the nichrome rod by dipping it in hydrochloric acid. I will then test the cleanliness of the Nichrome rod by inserting it into a gas flame Once the rod is clean I will then choose one of the metal ion samples by adding a bit to the nichrome rod. I will then place it into the blue gas flame to see

  • Word count: 1808
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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The main purpose of this investigation is to test and analyse Mummion. By doing this we would hopefully be able to see what chemicals it contained.

Assignment 2.4 – A preservative for mummies 2.4.1 Introduction What is mummification? Mummification is an ancient Greek method which is intended to dehydrate the body. This would preserve the body. They believed that the body needed to be intact to serve as host for the soul. If the body was left to rot, it would destroy their soul. The process of mummification would entail the removal of the brain and other internal organs, each of these then mummified and then stored in jars. This then led on to the drying out process. The body would then be left outside to dry. After the body was completely dry. It would lead onto the wrapping of the body. The body would be wrapped. A final shroud piece would be placed on the mummy to keep all of the wrappings together. Mummion was added to the shroud to ‘give’ it all together. What is Mummion and what is it used for? Natron (Mummion) is a colourless salt found in various locations in the earth. Mummion is a dehydrated sodium carbonate mineral. Natron is known commonly to be used for mummification. Artists have also mixed it with minerals and oils to create the colour ‘Egyptian blue’. Also mixed with oils and minerals can produce soaps. Mummion can also be used as a cleaning product. What is the purpose of this investigation? The main purpose of this investigation is to test and analyse Mummion. By doing this we would

  • Word count: 1156
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Activity Series of Metals Lab

| ________________ Activity Series Lab-2012 Introduction The types of changes that occur during these tests are chemical changes. Chemical changes will usually be tough to reverse, a new substance is created, heat is released, light is released, a solid is made (precipitate,) gas produced or the solution changes in colour. These chemical changes can be cause by decomposition, combustion, synthesis, single displacement or double displacement. The type of reaction that occurs during the tests is a single displacement reaction. This means that one element replaces another element in a compound. The general equation used for this reaction is A + BC -> B + AC. Like most other chemical changes single displacement reactions cannot be reversed. Depending on the activity series of metal some elements will be able to displace the other metal in the compound and some may not. Single Displacement reactions occur according to the Activity Series of Metal. Based upon experimental evidence reactive metals have been placed in order of reactivity known as the activity series of metal. The activity series is a chart with the most reactive metals on the top and the least reactive metals on the bottom. Lithium is on the top meaning it is the most reactive whereas gold is on the bottom being the least reactive. The order of the metals from most to least reactive corresponds with how easily

  • Word count: 2153
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Percent Yield Experiment. The limiting reagent for this experiment is strontium chloride hexahydrate. The two products will be strontium sulphate as a solid and copper (II) chloride in an aqueous state.

Percent Yield Lab By Sean Frank SCH3U - 11 University Chemistry Mr. Posteraro November 26th 2012 All Saints High School Hypothesis: The limiting reagent for this experiment is strontium chloride hexahydrate. The two products will be strontium sulphate as a solid and copper (II) chloride in an aqueous state. The predicted precipitate is strontium sulphate and the reaction should precipitate out approximatly 0.65 g of the substance. Materials: . 1 100 ml Wash Bottle 2. 2 50 ml Beakers 3. 1.00g Strontium Chloride hexahydrate 4. 1.00g Copper (II) Sulphate pentahydrate 5. 1 Glass Funnel 6. 1 Filter paper (type 2) 7. 1 250ml Erlenmeyer Flask 8. 100ml Water 9. 1 Digital Scale (precsision withtin a hundredth of a gram) 0. 1 Stirring Rod Apparatus: Procedure: . Fill the wash bottle with 100 ml of water 2. Using a digital scale, measure 1g of strontium chloride hexahydrate into a 50ml beaker. 3. Repeat step 2 with 1g of copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate 4. Using the control digital scale (teacher's scale), weigh the filter paper and record its weight. 5. Using the wash bottle, add enough water to the beaker containing the 1g of strontium chloride hexahydrate to completly dissolve the solid compound. Avoid adding any more than nessesary. 6. Repeat step 5 for the beaker containing the 1g of

  • Word count: 2468
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Plan to investigate the transition temperature of salt hydrates

Transition Temperatures Of Salt Hydrates For my investigation, I am attempting to investigate the transition temperatures of salt hydrates. Trying to identify the transition temperature, and what affects them. I shall experiment on a salt hydrate and produce a graph of results. I shall do this for all salt hydrates I am testing. Salts are chemical compounds that always contain two things: Cation’s and Anion’s Cation’s are positively charged particles (for example a lithium ion or a hydrogen nucleus). The other things are anion’s. Anion’s are negatively charge particles (for example a chlorine ion or a fluorine ion). Salts are ionic compounds that contain a lattice structure of these charged particles. Salts are ionic compounds and thus they are soluble in water, this is due to the water molecules being polar and these molecules effectively dismantle the ionic lattice, by pulling the ion’s (like pulling blocks out of a jenga tower) [1]. When molten or in a solution, salts can conduct electricity, this is because the individual ion’s can move. Charge can therefore be transferred from one area to the other, meaning liquid or aqueous salts are electrically conductive. The body uses salt’s as ‘electrolytes’ to transfer electrical charge from one area to another. This includes along the conductive tissue found in the heart, initiating a heartbeat or opening

  • Word count: 1721
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Explain the need for primary and secondary standards in analysis

Ardit Cenalia Unit 19 | M1 Explain the need for primary and secondary standards in analysis What is primary standard? A primary standard is a solution of which a concentrated is made from a primary standard. I.E. the substance available in a sufficiently pure from which requires no determination of concentration. A primary standard is one that can be determined to a high level of precision, and reliability. For instance, a typical acid-base titration can be done to determine the concentration of an unknown HCl solution. When titrated against NaOH there will be some uncertainty because of the lack of reliability of the NaOH concentration. For example sodium chloride is an example of a primary standard. This is because it can be obtained very pure. What is a secondary standard solution? A secondary standard solution is a solution which must be standardised first against a primary standard and afterwards it will be stable enough for titrimetric work. Potassium permanganate is an example of a secondary standard. It has to be standardised first, but then it can be used for quantitative analysis, A primary standard substance will not always be used in standardisation; this is because primary standard is a reagent which is very pure, representative of the number of moles the substance contains and easily weighed. For example sodium chloride is used as a primary

  • Word count: 405
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Essay on the Oxides of Period 3 Elements

Formula of oxide Na2O2 MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P4O10 Cl2O Melting point (oC) 460 2852 2072 1700 340 -120.6 Boiling Point(oC) 657 3600 2977 2230 360 2.2 State at s.t.p Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Liquid Action of water Soluble Slightly soluble Insoluble Insoluble Soluble Very soluble pH of aqueous solution 14 9 7 7 2 3 Acid/base nature Basic Basic Amphoteric Acidic Acidic Acidic Conductivity of liquid Conductor Conductor Conductor Insulator Insulator Insulator Solubility in hexane Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble Slightly soluble Moderately soluble Soluble Structure Giant Ionic lattice Giant Ionic lattice Ionic with covalent character Giant Covalent (macromolecule) Simple Molecular Simple Molecular Bonding Ionic Ionic Ionic Covalent Intra: Covalent Inter: VDW Intra: Covalent Inter: VDW Oxygen forms oxide with all the elements in the periodic table except noble gas. They react directly with all elements except the halogens and noble metal such as gold and silver. The same goes to period 3 elements. All of them form oxides with oxygen except the argon. Sodium peroxide reacts violently with water to the extent that it will explode and forms sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide according to the following equation: Na2O2 + 2 H2O --> 2 NaOH + H2O2 Sodium hydroxide is highly soluble in water which means

  • Word count: 1488
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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