Investigating the permeability of plant cells.

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Muddeha Waraich U.6.5.

Investigating the permeability of plant cells.


This investigation has set out to look at how the permeability of plant cells is affected by temperature changes between 250C and 850C. This was done using beetroot as the plant cell under investigation, and the use of  a colorimeter. For this investigation it was necessary to carry out research into plant cell membranes and the transport mechanisms used by these membranes.

Background Knowledge.

The permeability of a plant cell is dependant on the membrane of the cell. Therefore factors affecting the cell membrane are factors that will affect the permeability of the cell.

The Cell Membrane.

The cell membrane is the boundary of the cell. They regulate the molecules that cross the boundary and are extremely thin, approximately 12 nm, but very strong and flexible.

In 1972 Singer and Nicholson put forward the ‘fluid mosaic model’ of the cell, which is still held to be true. The model incorporates a lipid bilayer, which forms the main continuous part of the membrane. A key feature of the model is the various specialised proteins inserted into the lipid membrane which carry out lots of important functions. Proteins located largely within the lipid bilayer, known as integral proteins are normally arranged with one end of the protein buried in the membrane and the other sticking out of the surface. Some of the integral proteins span the whole membrane and extend into the watery environments on both sides. Some of the other membrane proteins, known as peripheral proteins do not penetrate the lipid bilayer at all, but associate with the hydrophilic surfaces of the lipids of the membrane, to which they are anchored by a covalent bond.

Another important constituent of membranes is carbohydrate, which is attached to proteins, forming glycoprotiens, or lipids to from glycolipids, and is always on one side of the membrane. All membranes have this basic structure, which is shown in the diagram, Figure 1.

Membranes are held together by very strong covalent bonds, as well as the large number of weak interactions resulting from properties of lipids and water which give the membrane its strength, and at the same time flexibility. In membranes the lipids are amphipathic, I.e., they have two sides to their nature. They are predominantly hydrophobic because of the tail part but have a hydrophilic head portion which is attracted to water. The head of the phoshpholipid is hydrophilic because its phosphate group and the terminal alcohol are charged and interact easily with water. In glycolipids the head consists of sugars that are hydrophilic because they have many hydroxyl groups. The most stable arrangement for amphipathic lipids is to have the hydrophobic parts away from the water and the hydrophilic regions next to the water, so they form lipid bilayers. The integral membrane proteins are held together in much the same way as the lipids.

Although the lipid bilayer structure itself is very stable, the individual membrane constituents have great freedom of motion within the plane of the membrane. They diffuse through, however it is less easy for phoshpholipid and proteins to move across the plane of the membrane as this would mean hydrophobic parts of these molecules entering hydrophilic regions.

Due to their hydrophobic interior membranes are impermeable to most water soluble substances, including ions, amino acids and sugars, which are all essential for life. These molecules are provided for by pores and gates. This needs a protein carrier in the membrane which is specific for the type of molecule transported. It may be a simple process of ‘carrying’ the molecules from one side of the membrane, where there are more  molecules to the other where there are fewer. This is called facilitated diffusion, in which the molecule moves down its concentration gradient. Or it can be more complicated business of pumping the required molecule across the membrane from a region of low concentration to an area of high concentration, this is known as active transport.

Membrane Transport Mechanisms.

Membrane transport is extremely important, there are three main mechanisms used to transport molecules across the membrane, these include, simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport. However from the above it can be seen that we are mainly interested in facilitated diffusion.

Facilitated Diffusion.

Facilitated diffusion utilizes membrane protein channels to allow charged molecules to freely diffuse in and out of the cell. These channels come into use with small ions and in molecules. The speed is dependant on the limited number of protein channels available, whereas the speed of diffusion is dependant on the concentration gradient alone.

Molecules such as amino acids, ions, glucose and polar molecules enter cells much more rapidly than expected because of facilitated diffusion. Even though it would be expected that membrane proteins would enhance the diffusion of polar molecules, energy needed for facilitated diffusion is provided by favourable concentration gradient and if concentration and if concentration gradient declines to zero the process of facilitated diffusion stops. Facilitated diffusion requires no cellular energy.. Also at higher concentrations the degree of enhancement drops off until the mechanism becomes saturated, in this a further increase in concentration will not cause a further rise in penetration. This characteristic resembles enzymes in catalysing biochemical reactions, indicating that facilitated diffusion is carried out by membrane proteins that have properties similar to enzymes. Also, each molecule that is transported by this type of diffusion is carried by a separate protein that is specific for that substance. The facilitated diffusion transporters combine with molecules on one side of membrane of higher concentration and then release them on the side with the lower concentration. This is shown in Figure 2.


Permeases mediate the passive transport of larger substances, such as glucose, across the plasma membrane. Unlike channels, which form a pore through the membrane, permeases bind to their substrate and move it across the membrane. Because they are not pores, permeases can not be controlled by gates. The cell controls their activity by inserting them into or removing them from the plasma membrane, by exocytosis or endocytosis respectively. This control is important.

Simple Diffusion.

Simple diffusion means that the molecules can pass directly through the membrane. Diffusion is always down a concentration gradient. This limits the maximum possible concentration of the molecule inside the cell (or outside the cell if it is a waste product). The effectiveness of diffusion is also limited by the diffusion rate of the molecule. Therefore though diffusion is an effective enough transport mechanism for some substances such as water, the cell must utilize other mechanisms for many of its transport needs.

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Active Transport.

Active transport requires the expenditure of energy to transport the molecule from one side of the membrane to the other, but active transport is the only type of transport that can actually take molecules up their concentration gradient as well as down. Similarly to facilitated diffusion, active transport is limited by the number of proteins present.

Plant that should be investigated.

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