Investigation into the varies stages of mitosis

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Linda Stevenson

Investigation into the varies stages of mitosis

In my practical assessment I was observing nuclear division, mitosis and the stages involved in the process.  Although in reality the process is continuous it has been divided into four stage called Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.  Mitosis is the used for the replacement of cells and repair of tissues.  It is also the basis of asexual reproduction.   Prophase which is said to be the first stage of nuclear division or mitosis, is the stage where the centriole replicates just before hand and the chromosomes have started to coil up becoming shorter and thicker; they become more visible and stain more intensely.  This is all in the early stages.  In late prophase the centrioles move to opposite ends or poles of the nucleus, the nuclear envelope ‘disappears’ or it breaks up into small vesicles not visible by a light microscope.  The nucleolus also disappears it forms parts of several chromosomes.  Then at the end of prophase a spindle is formed.  In metaphase each centriole reaches a pole they help to organise production of the spindle microtubules.  The chromosomes line up along the equator of the spindle; they are attached by their centromeres to the spindle, which is made from protein microtubules.  Each chromosome then splits at the centromere and is pulled apart then in the next phase, anaphase the chromotids (two identical sister chromatids make one chromosome) move to opposite poles, centromeres first, pulled by the microtubules.  In the last suggested stage the nucleolus begins reforming as well as the nuclear envelope.  The chromatids have reached the poles of the spindle; they will now uncoil again to form chromatin.  Each chromatid contains one DNA molecule, which will replicate itself during interphase before the next division (interphase is another part of the cell cycle).  Remains of the spindle are starting to break down, cytokinesis starts to take place this is division of the cytoplasm and cell into two by constriction from the edges of the cell.  The centriole will replicate during interphase before the next nuclear division.

From the practical I obtained both individual and a class set of results after looking at 50 cells thought to be undergoing mitosis and identifying which stage of mitosis they were undergoing.  This was observed from a commercial slide not the slides produced during my root tip squash experiment for which I have drawn up a risk assessment.

From my knowledge and representations I have looked at of mitosis my results should show that each stage of mitosis is roughly takes the same length of time.   So if I look at 50 cells undergoing Mitosis there should be an approximately equal number of cells in each stage.  There are 4 and I am looking at 50 cells.  Therefore 50/4 = 12.5 my prediction of approximately how many cells will be in each stage of mitosis.

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This is a table of my results let P stand for Prophase, M for metaphase, A for anaphase and T for Telophase and the numbers to represent the number of cells suspected to be undergoing that stage of mitosis.  Each person in the class has a set of results, which I have given a sample number.

       = My results          = Error number of cells counted only 48

Table of averages ...

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