Investigation of how PH affects the action of the enzyme catalase.

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Daniel O’Farrell


Investigation of how PH affects the action of the enzyme catalase

Aim:  The aim of this investigation is to discover the affects of PH on the enzyme catalase.

Hypothesis:  The enzyme calatase has an optimum PH at which it will catalyse a reaction.  A PH above or below the optimum level will result in the enzyme not working at it’s potential, causing it to decrease the reaction rate, or denature.  The optimum PH at which the enzyme catalase will function correctly is around seven (neutral).

The hypothesis explained

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are globular proteins that control reactions in living cells.  They are biochemical catalysts, speeding up reactions that would otherwise happen too slowly to be of any use to the organism.  An active enzyme may speed up a particular reaction, but living things do not need reactions to be carried out at a constant speed all the time.  Enzymes interact with simpler molecules to produce an ordered, stable reaction system in which the products of any reaction are made when they are needed, and the amount needed.  

The specific shape of enzymes

An enzyme has a specific three-dimensional shape and an active site, onto which the substrate joins during a reaction.  If the enzyme and substrate are able to fit together, they are said to have complementary shapes.  Each enzyme’s active site has it’s own three-dimensional shape, therefore, only a substrate with that particular complementary shape will fit.  A short-term bond, known as a binding is created between the substrate and active site, which causes the substrate to react more rapidly.  Enzymes are described as specific as they will only catalyse certain reactions.

Enzymes are proteins, and the three-dimensional structure determines the function of the enzyme.  The enzyme is made specific by the active site.  The diagram shows a simplified active site, which is held together by different bonds, such as hydrogen bonds, and ionic bonds.  Tertiary structure is the name given to the three-dimensional shape of the enzyme.  If the bonds holding the active site together are broken, the shape will change, resulting in the enzyme being incapable of acting as a catalyst.  The enzyme is said to have denatured.  Temperature and PH are the two factors that can affect the shape of the enzyme.  


The diagram shows the enzyme’s active site (binding site), where the substrate joins the enzyme.

©James K. Hardy and the University of Akron.


Enzymes are made from proteins, which are constructed from amino acids. Amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes sulphur.  An amino acid consists of three groups:

  • Amino group (-NH2)
  • Carboxylic acid group (-COOH)
  • R group

The R group varies between the different amino acids.  All the proteins contained in the body are made up of twenty different amino acids, each with a different side chain, or R group.

                                    © Lea, Lowrie, McGuigan

Proteins are made from amino amino acids, which are joined together in a long chain by a condensation reaction, involving the removal of water.  The amino acids are arranged so that the amino group of one amino acid joins with the carboxylic acid group of the other.  The bond formed between two amino acids is known as a peptide bond.  A peptide is formed when two or more amino acids are joined together.  A large number of amino acids can join together in a long chain to form a polypeptide.  Some proteins consist of a single polypeptide, and others have two or more.

A hydrolysis reaction can break the peptide bonds in peptide.  Proteins are hydrolysed into peptides, then to amino acids, by either boiling it in acid, or adding a protease enzyme.

The structure of proteins

The primary structure of a protein is the order in which the amino acids occur in the polypeptide chain.  

                                                                       The primary structure of a protein.

© Lea, Lowrie, McGuigan

Certain shapes or patterns are produced when a number of amino acids have bonded together in a chain.  Hydrogen bonds are created between peptide bonds in various parts of the chain, as peptide bonds consist of polar hydrogen atoms, containing a small positive charge, and polar oxygen atoms, containing a small negative charge.  The polypeptide is capable of taking on different shapes or patterns in the chain due to the hydrogen bonds, and this is known as the secondary structure, which is dependant on the primary structure.  The alpha helix, and the beta-pleated sheet are the two major types of secondary structure.

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Secondary structures of proteins

Alpha helix                  Beta pleated sheet

         ©Brannon Carter and Robin L. Carter

The three-dimensional shape of a protein is known as a tertiary structure.  This is a specific shape which is held together by weak bonds between the R groups of the amino acids in the chain.  The specific shape needed by a protein in order to carry out it’s particular function is created by the tertiary structure.  It is essential that enzymes have a specific ...

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