The effect of copper sulphate on the activity of Catalase.

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The effect of copper sulphate on the activity of Catalase


The aim of this investigation is to determine how copper sulphate affects the activity of Catalase through the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. The activity of Catalase can only be determined by the amount of oxygen produced in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. If the amount of oxygen produced in an experiment was very high it means that some factors have been kept constant while others have been changed (i.e. favourable conditions).

Under normal circumstances when copper sulphate is not introduced into the reaction the rate of reaction should increase as more substrate is being added into the reaction because the active site of the enzyme (Catalase) is being filled with more substrate particles (H202), in due course, increasing the number of turnover of the Catalase.

In this experiment which will involve copper sulphate the rate of reaction is expected to drop as the concentration of (cuso4) copper sulphate increased because there is not much isubstrate particles present at the active site of the enzyme, because copper sulphate inhibits the active site of the Catalase.

Background information

Catalase is a globular protein (ENZYME) which catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2).

Catalase (Enzyme) is globular protein which can be classified as biological catalyst, which speed up or control the rate of a chemical or biological reaction in our body, without altering the substrates nor the products neither does it alter the equilibrium between them without itself undergoing any changes.

An enzyme doesn't change during a reaction, what it does is to lower the activation energy of the reaction thereby creating a new route for the reaction to take. This means that the time taken for the reaction normally would have reduced significantly, which by doing these increases the rate of reaction of the experiment (the particles of the substrate and the enzyme collides faster than the usual reaction). The products are formed during the collision. The rate of reaction increases due to some conditions applied which does favour the reaction e.g. temperature, concentration of enzyme & substrate, and inhibitor concentration if applied.
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