The Electromagnetic Spectrum.

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A2 Physics Coursework

Almost all the information about the known universe comes from different types of waves. Most of what we could originally see was made up of visible light. Visible light is made up of Blue, Green and Red light. Each colour has a different wavelength and when combined for a white light.

What we can see (visible light has a wavelength of between 400 to 700 nm) only represents a very small proportion of the light spectrum (known as the electromagnetic spectrum). There are many other forms of electromagnetic waves we can’t see. Radio waves have wavelengths billions of time longer than those of visible light. They are used to transmit radio and television signals and can range from less than a centimeter to hundreds of meters. Inferred again has a longer wavelength than visible light however shorter the radio waves. Although invisible to the naked eye we can often feel them in the form of heat. Ultra violet is shorter than visual light ranging from having a wavelength of 400nm to 10 nm. The shorter a wavelength is the higher amount of energy it contains. This is why UV light from the sun can damage your skin. X-rays are also very high-energy waves and can be dangerous when exposed to them for long periods of time.  Gamma waves are less than 10 trillionths of a meter and are even more penetrating then X-rays.

The electromagnetic spectrum is not only measure in wavelengths. It is also measured in frequency (cycles per second known as Hertz) and energy involved (measured in electron volts)

Objects in space, such as planets and comets, giant clouds of gas and dust, and stars and galaxies, emit light at many different wavelengths. Some of the light they emit has very large wavelengths - sometimes as long as a mile!. These long waves are in the radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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As radio waves are larger than optical waves, radio telescopes work differently than telescopes that we use for visible > light (optical telescopes). Radio telescopes are dishes made out of conducting metal that reflect radio waves to a focus point. Because the wavelengths of radio light are so large, a radio telescope must be physically larger than an optical telescope to be able to make images of comparable clarity. For example, the Parkes radio telescope, which has a dish 64 meters wide, cannot give us any clearer an image than a small backyard telescope!

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