Too Much Information: Genetic Testing

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Too Much Information: Genetic Testing

Biology OAC ISP Essay – By Daniel Perez

        Genetic testing offers a whole new world of information about us and how our bodies work. The data we get from delving into our own genetic code can help us to cure or even prevent disease, stop medical conditions such as cancer or cystic fibrosis from even manifesting, or even correct these sorts of errors before birth, and many other beneficial uses. However, at this point in time, all of this is beyond us. We have no miracle cures, no ‘magic bullet’ with which to fight disease or genetic conditions, in fact, our understanding of the genetic code is so limited that it’s as if we cannot see the forest for the trees. We have taken our first baby steps into understanding human genetics with the completion of the Human Genome Project, and now that we have the big picture, we can begin to interpret it.

Through information gleaned from our DNA, we now know that there are certain medical conditions that are caused by certain patterns within the genes. Some examples of these genetic conditions include Tay-Sach’s disease, Bloom syndrome, Deafness, cystic fibrosis, and many other diseases (). Although many of these conditions are fatal, the ones that are not can be treated early, even before symptoms develop when possible, or if not treated, at least monitored because of the person’s high risk of becoming afflicted.

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If genetic testing is 95 per cent accurate, which is a reasonable margin of error by any standard, then one in twenty people who take the test will get a false result.  The large majority of people will find out definitively whether they are positive for the genetic problem or not. However, in this hypothetical test then, there is a 5% chance that someone who is positive for a genetic condition to believe they are safe when they are still in danger, and conversely, that someone who is actually not positive and has the normal genes will receive a false ...

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This is a well-executed essay. It is focused throughout on the comparisons between the poems and how Agard challenges values and ways of thinking. The focus on language is sustained and points are developed. The style in which the essay is written is also very good, with few lapses in clarity of expression. Comments about structure and specific literary techniques should only be made when specific links can be made, avoid feature spotting for the sake of it. In this essay the student is mostly successful in making points about structure. Five Stars