What are scientists doing to prevent the extinction of Laysan Ducks?

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Bryan Pascual

What are scientists doing to prevent the extinction of Laysan Ducks?

Figrure 1. A picture of a Laysan Duck


The Laysan Duck is an endangered dabbling ducks endemic to the Laysan Island in the North-western Hawaiian Island. It is a small, dark duck with orange legs and an outstanding white eye-ring. “The amount of white around the eye and on the head varies between individuals, and some adult males also have a slight green iridescence to the dark head. The rest of the plumage is dark reddish brown plumage, heavily mottled dark brown, and an iridescent patch of colour on the wings, appears teal green, or blue. Male Laysan ducks have dark green bills, while the female’s is brownish-pale.”[7]

Anas laysanensis is the scientific name of Laysan Duck”. [1] The Laysan Duck prefers land habitats to aquatic and aerial habitats and normally observed along the coast of Laysan Island or around the inland lake found on the island. This is where they live year round. “Studies of DNA in duck bones throughout the Hawaiian Islands have shown that the Laysan Duck's range once included the entire Hawaiian Archipelago before the mass extinctions that occurred in that region after Polynesian colonization between 400 and 600 AD.” [2]

How it became endangered?

Laysan Ducks became endangered due to habitat loss because their natural environment was destroyed to create houses, furniture and many different types of thing. Deforestation destroys habitat and contribute to the global warming. Destroying the forest will also disrupt the food chain therefore it affects the ecosystem and can cause extinction to species.

Introducing new species can sometimes damage the ecosystem they were introduced into because they can change the whole habitat. If the habitat changes lots of local species will be affected because many of them cannot endure the changes in their habitat. “By 1860, the ducks disappeared from all the places apart from , most likely due to predation by introduced rats.” [1] Introducing new predators can cause an extinction to Laysan Ducks because they evolve in an environmental lacking of predators therefore they are not use to the new ground predator.  

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Conservation of Laysan Duck

The Laysan Ducks are listed as critically endangered species by the IUCN Red List. They are endemic species therefore they are only found in one specific place. If these species were continually killed they will become extinct and may not be ever seen forever. To prevent the extinction of Laysan Ducks, Scientists are carrying out conservation activities.

Setting up a research centre and conservation area:

“The Laysan island is also designated as a Research Natural Area where state and federal biologists work closely together to ensure the well being of the island ...

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