Assess the usefulness of Postal Questionnaires

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Assess the usefulness of Postal Questionnaires

Postal questionnaires are surveys sent out by post with a pre-paid envelope. A researcher will often use some form of incentive in order to encourage high response rate, this could be entry to some sort of competition or perhaps a small free gift if sent back before a certain date.

Postal questionnaires like all questionnaires are restricted to two basic types of question:

Closed-ended (or "closed question") is a question for which a researcher provides a suitable list of responses (e.g. Yes / No). This produces mainly quantitative data.

Open-ended (or "open question") is a question where the researcher doesn't provide the respondent with a set answer from which to choose. Rather, the respondent is asked to answer "in their own words". This produces mainly qualitative data.

Some advantages of using postal questionnaires as oppose to other forms of questionnaire are: The researcher is able to contact large numbers of people quickly, easily and efficiently using a postal questionnaire (since all he / she has to do is identify the group that will be targeted and post them the list of questions).Questionnaires are relatively quick and easy to create, code and interpret, especially if closed questions are used. In addition, the respondent, not the researcher does the time consuming part of completing the questionnaire. The researcher can be sure that everyone in the sample answers exactly the same questions, which makes this a very reliable method of research. Questionnaires can be used to explore potentially embarrassing areas (such as sexual and criminal matters) more easily than other methods. The postal questionnaire can be both anonymous and completed in privacy, increasing the chances of people answering questions honestly because they are not intimidated by the presence of a researcher.
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However, although there are many good points about postal questionnaires, there are also some bad points for example, the format of questionnaire design makes it difficult for the researcher to examine complex issues and opinions. Even where open-ended questions are used, the depth of answers that the respondent can provide tend to be more-limited than with almost any other method of research. This makes it difficult for a researcher to gather information that is rich in depth and detail. With a postal questionnaire, the researcher can never be certain the person to whom the questionnaire is sent actually ...

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