Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper?

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David Astarita

Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper?

The police catch Jack the Ripper, Yeah Right!

        The police had endless troubles when trying to catch Jack the Ripper. There were many problems in the field of policing in the 1888 including the amount of crimes that were committed a day which the police couldn’t handle and didn’t want to. The east end had the worst and most crime in London and when the Whitechapel murders happened the pressure was piled on.

        There were so many problems in the field of policing that it made it almost impossible to catch Jack the Ripper and very hard to solve any other crime. The reputation of the police was awful when seen in the public’s eye. People saw them treating women badly and saw them taking bribes which gave them a reputation which meant people didn’t want to trust them. This may have made people feel that giving evidence in a crime meant the criminal would know and it made people feel uneasy. The resources were extremely limited compared to today’s standards. There was no database to tell who a person was, no DNA, finger printing, blood typing or any way of making a crime easier to point out to the criminal. The police couldn’t even tell if blood was animal or human. Without these resources and techniques they could do nothing. Any techniques or resources available at the time could not be used as they were very under funded.

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        The murders were done very cleverly and the area they were committed in was a very good area to commit a crime. In the east end it was very dark at night and there were very small alleyways which meant a criminal could escape easily. All of the Jack the Ripper murders were in a small house in an alley where the streets are dark. It would have been easy for the murderer to creep up on one of the women in the dark alleyway and do what he could with out any interruption. However in one of the murders ...

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