Explain how effective communications are helping the business to meet its aims and objectives.

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                Waseem Hussain


Explain how effective communications are helping the business to meet its aims and objectives

Hierarchical Businesses need good communications, in order to have more customers coming to there store. Good communication within the business is needed for employees to contact other member of staff to continue on processing the work. Customers might expect:

  • Good customer Service
  • Clean Boots stores
  • Deliveries to be fast

  • Help assistants to be around the store
  • Clean staff

In order to meet these aims and objectives Boots need to have good communications skills with other employees. Now I will be writing about all the different ways they can obtain these skills and in what sort of communication they would use to interact with each other within the business. Here are some examples of how Boots would communicate within the business and for what reason.

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Good customer service

If there was an employee who wanted baby shampoo and there wasn’t any in stock. Boots employee would check on their computer if there were baby shampoo at the back of the store. If there were he would contact the store manager through the computers there might be a button for help and then the store manager would get the message that one of the staff member needs me to help him or her out. So he would come out of his office and go to whatever till number that needed help. Then the employee ...

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