Marketing Plan For a Retail Business.
For this GCSE project, I have to devise a marketing plan for a retail business. I have decided to launch a new nightclub. I am interested in this field and I also feel that I could launch a successful club.
Many nightclubs currently exist in shopping centres at the moment. Bakers in Five Ways, Millennium in Merry Hill, Xenon in Tamworth and Barnabys and Busby's in West Brom.
I have noticed that there is not a nightclub in One Stop Shopping Centre. I think that this site has great potential for a nightclub and I will be exploring this in this coursework. I will be in competition with these other nightclubs.
First of all, I need to come up with a name. From my previous knowledge of nightclubs, names are short and effective. For example, DNA, Bakers, Busby's, Hush and Code. So taking this into consideration I am going to call my club, "Sonic". It gives an impression of speed, which will hopefully give the right impression of my club.
Q1: "What age gap would 18-25 26-35 36-42 42- 50 50+
You place yourself in?" ? ? ? ? ?
Q2: "Do you go Nightclubbing?" Yes No
* ?
Q3: "If so, Once a Week 2-3 Times a Week Monthly Yearly
How often?" ? ? ? ?
Q4: "How many miles Less Than 1 1-3 4-6 7-10 10+
Would you estimate ? ? ? ? ?
You live from One Stop?"
Q5: "How would you Walk Bus Train Car Taxi
Normally travel ? ? ? ? ?
To One Stop?"
Q6: "How much money £0- £10 £11-£20 £21-£30 £31-£40 £50+
Would you estimate ? ? ? ? ? To spend on an average
Night out nightclubbing?"
Q7: "What Type Of Music
Are You Into?" ______________________________________
Q8: "What Are Your Favourite
Radio Stations?" ________________________________________
Q9: "What newspapers/magazines
Do you read?" ___________________________________________________
I have chosen to launch a new nightclub at One Stop Shopping centre for many reasons. Firstly, it is an ideal location. It has easy access; right next to a train station, hundreds of free parking spaces, around 30 different buses stop there and it is next to a huge flyover and many main roads.
U.C.E. University is across the road and seen as the majority of people visiting my club will be of the age group 18-25, ...
This is a preview of the whole essay
Q8: "What Are Your Favourite
Radio Stations?" ________________________________________
Q9: "What newspapers/magazines
Do you read?" ___________________________________________________
I have chosen to launch a new nightclub at One Stop Shopping centre for many reasons. Firstly, it is an ideal location. It has easy access; right next to a train station, hundreds of free parking spaces, around 30 different buses stop there and it is next to a huge flyover and many main roads.
U.C.E. University is across the road and seen as the majority of people visiting my club will be of the age group 18-25, my club will be ideally located so close to the University. I will centre a lot of my marketing around here.
Also, other clubs that have been launched in shopping centres have been successful. One Stop does not yet have a club so it will be a great place to launch one.
One Stop is a well established centre so it wont have to be advertised that much to draw awareness to my club.
To launch my new club, I am going to use many different methods. Firstly, I need to make sure that there actually is interest from the public and to achieve this, I will interview people with a questionnaire. This is a great way of using primary research to get a direct and true view of what the public wants and I can also get a good idea of whom to aim my Marketing Campaign at.
Also, as an other source of primary research, I plan to interview a manager of one of the clubs that already exist in shopping centres and I am going to ask him/her what strategies they used to launch their club and how they marketed it. I also plan to leaflet local areas advertising my new club should the questionnaire be a success. These will contain details of my new clubs opening nights and special offers to gain interest and awareness.
As a source of secondary research, I will use the "Yellow Pages" to locate other businesses of whom are my competition and to see what type of adverts they are using and who they are aiming there Marketing at.
Data Collected
I passed my questionnaire out at different locations to get a wide range of feedback from the general public. These were Outside U.C.E. Perry Barr, Birmingham City Centre and One Stop Shopping Centre Perry Barr. I was very polite and cheerful when asking the questions and approached different types of people from all age ranges, asking them if they had a few moments to spare to help me plan my marketing campaign for my new club. I felt that it was necessary to do this as if I had approached them in a different manor, I might not have received the good response that I did. If I was doing this for real i.e. I had already launched my club and doing further market research, I would have given out a voucher for a free drink or a "2 for the price of 1" deal as an incentive to answer the questionnaire and to gain publicity for my club. After close consideration of the results, I can conclude these findings:
* Most people who go clubbing, go once a week
* Most people live within a 6-mile radius of One Stop
* Most people would get to One Stop by taxi
* Most people would spend between £21 and £30 on an average night out nightclubbing
* Most people's favourite music is Dance, Garage and Hard House.
* Most people's favourite radio stations were BRMB and Galaxy
* The most popular magazine/ newspapers are The Sun and DJ Magazine
Out of the 100 people I surveyed here are the results of all the questions asked:
Using this information, I have decided a few things about my Marketing Plan. I am going to aim my marketing research at people who are aged between 18-25, as they were these were the most popular age group I asked. I am also going to leaflet as many houses within a mile radius of One Stop advertising the opening and special nights my club will offer. I am also going to be contacting some of the local taxi firms to see if it is possible for them to serve my clubs on the nights that I am open to ensure that my customers have an easy, quick departure from the site.
I am going to put special offers on drinks i.e. "Buy One Get One Free" and on entrance fees as the average money spent on a night out was lower than I expected so I want my clubbers to be spending their money on drinks rather than on expensive entrance fees.
I am also going to launch different specialist nights. Seen as the most popular types of music where what I expected them to be as this is the most popular music for the "average clubber" I will host individual Dance, Garage and Hard House nights to draw more clubbers in.
I have decided that using television to advertise my club would not be very cost effective. It is very expensive and would end up reaching an audience of which most would live way too far to go to my club anyway. Also, advertising on radio stations such as BRMB or Galaxy would also be too expensive and would not maximise my audience potential as not many clubbers listen to these types of stations. However, more specialist stations such as Passion FM and Real FM would be a better choice to advertise on as they have a higher audience of clubbers and would also be a lot cheaper to advertise on, as they are not huge companies.
I am also going to design posters to put up in local youth centres, pubs and shop windows who should hopefully let me advertise there for free. This would be to get as much publicity as possible for my club at the lowest possible price.
I have also decided to eliminate the Internet as a possibility of advertising my club. Although I could use a free site to set up an Internet site, it would take too much time and effort and wouldn't be that successful, as most people wouldn't bother visiting it anyway.
Unfortunately, I have written to the owners/managers or 3 of the afore mentioned nightclubs but I am yet to receive a reply so I am unable to conduct an interview and gain the relevant information from these sources.
I am going to be considering the 4 P's in my marketing plan; Price, Place, Product and Promotion. These are the basic structure for a marketing plan and will help me to determine what I should be doing in order to market my club.
The Marketing Campaign
After looking through my findings I have decided that I am going to concentrate my publicity and advertising through leaflets and posters as these have proved effective for other nightclubs and are the most effective when considering price and how effective they are.
My leaflet needs to have some very important features. An eye-catching colourful design, a big enough incentive for my customers to want to come to my club and offers or price reductions in order to get people in.
After studying other leaflets passed out to the general public on Broad Street and other popular nightclub areas, I have a good idea what my leaflet should look like.
I will pass the leaflet out on a Saturday Night on Broad Street (this would be the best time as Broad Street will be full of potential customers), at One Stop itself and I will leave a stack of leaflets at the front desk of U.C.E. University. Handing out leaflets will be beneficial as I can see my potential customers, and ensure that they are given out to the right people.
I am also going to produce a poster. This needs to have the same characteristics as the leaflet but will obviously have its different benefits. It can be left stationery at key places where it can be viewed by anybody and hopefully will gain more publicity.
Michael Gaskin 11.12 Business Studies Coursework