Analyse the two poems 'Out-Out' by Robert Frost and 'Mid Term Break' by Seamus Heaney by paying particular attention to the similarities between the two poems.

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Analyse the two poems 'Out-Out' by Robert Frost and 'Mid Term Break' by Seamus Heaney by paying particular attention to the similarities between the two poems

'Out-Out' was written by Robert Frost who was an American poet born in 1874. He moved to the New England farm country, where most of his poems were inspired. 'Mid Term Break' was written by Seamus Heaney, who was born on a farm in county Londonderry in Northern Ireland.

The two poems are very similar and are both about the deaths of a young child, one about a boy who loses his hand whilst using a buzz saw; unfortunately, he also loses his life. In Mid Term Break the boy loses his life in a car accident. He was only left with

"A poppy bruise on his left temple"

There are also lots of differences between the two poems. In Out-Out the young boy was from quite a poor working class background in my opinion, which meant that the young boy had to work for the day in order to help the family. However the boy in Mid-Term Break was from a higher class family and seemed to be in quite a posh school.

"College sick bay"

This could mean it is a boarding school because it has its own sick-bay. The similarities between the poems are that both of the deaths were accidents and were also quite brutal.

Out-Out is a poem of 34 lines of just one stanza. The poem is written in the 3rd person by somebody that is narrating the story, and that has no connections with the happenings of the poem. The way the poem is written also makes it less tragic, as every line flows to the next without giving much time to think about what has happened. The rhyming also hides some of the sadness in the poem.
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One point to consider is the shape of the poem, as it vaguely resembles the shape of a blade of a saw or also it could resemble the screen of a life support machine at a hospital. Both could be relevant to the poem.

The poem is based on the story of a young boy who died whilst doing a man's job which he couldn't cope with.

"Big boy doing a man's job"

He was working in the garden when he cut his hand with the buzz saw he was working with. The injury was ...

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