Animal Cruelty

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Animal Cruelty The controversy of animal experiments has long been debated in our society. Time and time again the question of whether or not scientific researchers should have the right to perform experiments on animals has been an issue. Should researchers be able to perform experiments on animals? Should researchers only be able to perform limited experiments on animals? Or should researchers not be able to perform experiments at all? These questions are argued over every day, everywhere in the world. There are many people for all sides of the debate. This is an extremely huge controversy today.       Many say that animal experimentation is pointless. When it comes to animals and their rights there is a definite fine line between our needs and our taking advantage of these species we consider inferior (Posner 1). Several thousands of animals are experimented on each day; yet there have been close to no cures found. Why continue experiments on animals if there is no point to it? Scientists who are performing outdated and inaccurate tests that prove no benefit to humans or animals are wasting millions of dollars every year (Animal Experimentation). A lot of money is spent on research; however this money instead could go to
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hospitals, hungry people, or even the building of more schools. It is said that humans and animals react differently to drugs (Animal experimentation). This is a proven fact that you cannot argue against. If one kind of animal is repeatedly tested on with the same drug (which is practiced continuously); this will all be done for no reason. What would the purpose be? Many animals would have been killed and we would have still no cure. Moreover, scientists say it is impossible to recreate a human disease into a perfectly healthy animal (Animal Experimentation1). One thing to keep in mind ...

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