How does Golding convince you that the conch is important in this novel Lord of the Flies.

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How does Golding convince you that the conch is important in this novel?

        There are several themes and symbols in the novel Lord of the Flies, and one of the most important ones is the conch and its democratic role. To the boys it is only a shell, but it holds values, which help keep their society together, so therefore Golding implies its importance.

        Ralph and Piggy find the conch at the beginning. Piggy immediately recognises it, as he has seen one like it before, on somebody’s wall at home. “” Careful! You’ll break it-------“” expresses how much Piggy respects and values it. Golding explicitly describes the shell with elegance.

“In colour the shell was deep cream, touched here and   there with fading pink. Between the point, worn away into a little hole, and the pink lips of the mouth, lay eighteen inches of shell with a slight spiral twist and covered with delicate, embossed pattern.”

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He uses language, which is smooth and almost poetic, which portrays it as an ornament. Only Piggy grasps that it is worth a lot of money and has to be treated with care, whereas Ralph sees it as an object, which has an interesting and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The importance of the conch is reinforced as the title of the first chapter, ‘The Sound of The Shell’.

        When Ralph sounds the conch for the first time he is overwhelmed by how loud it is. “The birds cried, small animals scuttered.” The conch’s sound frightens small animals ...

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