How does William Shakespeare create sympathy forJuliet in act 3, scene 5?

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Thomas Gilbert 10 Orange

How does William Shakespeare create sympathy for Juliet in act 3, scene 5?

William Shakespeare uses many techniques of sympathy for Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are from two different families, Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet, The Capulet family and Montague family are worst enemies but Romeo and Juliet mistakenly fall in love at first sight at a fancy dress party held by the Capulet family which Romeo and a few friends secretly walked into whilst in costume to hide there identity. Juliet’s cousin Tybalt saw them at the party and set out to punish Romeo. Tybalt was later murdered in a brawl between the Capulet’s and Montague’s. Tybalt killed Romeo’s best friend Racutio and Romeo set out for revenge on him, Romeo killed Tybalt in a bloody rage. For this Romeo was banished to Mantua and if he ever was caught back he would suffer the same fate as Tybalt therefore this made it difficult for Romeo and Juliet to be together.

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In Jacobean times which was the time of William Shakespeare, there were very few ways that two lovers with family’s that disapprove of each other could be together as in Jacobean times your parents would find a suitable man for there daughter and it be very similar to an arranged marriage whereas today if you were to get married your parents would have no say in it and if they didn’t like it you would be able to run away together but in Shakespeare’s time that was unheard of and people would respect there elders decisions over their own.


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